6~ chickflicks

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Bakugou POV

"I told you not to drink too much"
I say as I step into the bathroom.

"Shut up"
Icyhot, hanging over the toilet, whines.
I close the door behind me, locking it so my mom won't come in, then sit down beside him.

"How are things up here?"
I poke his forehead.

"What are they supposed to be like?"
He asks with a drunken smile.

He's good-looking despite being completely hammered and hurled just a second ago...

"I dunno. That's for you to decide"

"If you want me to tell you stuff...and things, you're gonna have to tell me things and...what was the other one? Oh yeah, stuff too~o"
He grins.

"Fine. You won't remember tomorrow anyway. Ask me something"
I say and he stops to think for a second. A long second.

"Why did you do the dare? You could have just had a sip of beer."

"I don't like drinking. Sorry about the kissing thing though"

"Don't be, I liked it. Why don't you like drinking?"
He asks and I sigh in response, rubbing my head.


Wait a fucking second.

"Did you just say you liked it?"

"Yeah. No answer my quiestion"

"Uhm....fine then"
I sigh and shake my head, trying to ignore his comment from a second ago.
"I have enough uncontrollable anger management issues as it is. What do you think it'd be like if I was drunk?"

"Good point."

"Icyhot, your arms...you did that to yourself, didn't you?"

He chuckles.

"What happened the night I found you in that alley?"

"Wha~? You can't ask something personal like that~ "

"Dude, I just told you a genuine fear of mine. It's your turn."

"Okay okay~ endeavor beat the shit out of me again"
He says and raises his hand
"Give a se-"
I look away, but still hear the sounds of gaging, him hurling very loudly and vomit landing in the toilet.
I hand him toilet paper and he wipes his mouth with it.

"Endeavor? Again?"
I ask.

"Yeah. He calls it training, but it don't matter if I'm able to fight back or not, he gets mad and beats the crap outta me"

"Do you have nightmares about it?"

"Yeah. My head hurts"
He says and frowns.

"Rinse your mouth."
I say and he does as I say, then sits next to me.

"Everything is spinning"
He whines, ending in a sigh and suddenly lays down on the floor.
"It's so nice and cool"

"Don't put your head on the floor. It's gross."

"Yeah yeah"
He moves his head and puts it onto my lap. It's not what I meant, but I guess it's fine.

"So your dad beats you, huh? Is that why you said that thing about being weak?"

He answers with a tremble in his voice.
We don't talk after this. Icyhot eventually falls asleep and I end up carrying him to his bed.

It takes me a while to fall asleep myself though. As I lay in bed, watching the sleeping boy on the futon, my head's flooded with thoughts of him. And only him. But not necessarily good things.
I don't want to feel sorry for him, since neither of us would like that. Yet....I can't help but worry about him.

Mine //~Baku x TodoWhere stories live. Discover now