16 ~ friends(?)

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''I'm tired"
Katsuki sighs as he walks into the room.
I glance over my shoulder as he sits on the bed.

"You own shirts, don't you?"
I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you never wear one"
It's true. Even right now, after coming out of the shower, he's not wearing a shirt whatsoever. And this is what he always does. I don't get why someone would want to be shirtless all the time, but he is.

"What? You getting turned on?"
He smirks.

"No. More like creeped out"
I scoff and look back at my phone.
Water droplets, from Katsuki violently shaking his head, hit my back and the screen of my phone.

"Dry off like a normal person. You're not a dog"

"What's with your bad mood all of a sudden?"
He whines as crawls under the blanket with me.

"I'm not in a bad mood"
I say confused.

"Sure as hell seems like it."
He lays on his back, staring at the ceiling.
This is a little weird, since he always lays down very close next to me or hugs me or something. I shrug off the worries starting to cloud my mind and move over, resting my chin and upper body on top of him.

"Who are you texting?"
He asks.

I mutter and turn off the phone, putting it in the nightstand next to the bed.


"He asked if I wanted to watch a movie at his house on the weekend"

"Don't go"

I chuckle.

"Don't go to someone else's house"
He says with a serious expression.

"What? Why?"

"Because I said so. Stay here."
He quickly sits up and grabs my wrist.
He has a weird look on his face and his eyes are glinting with rage. Even the grip around my wrist grows tighter and tighter, cutting off my blood circulation.
But still...I'm not scared, though I am sure everyone would be in this kind of situation.
Rather, I'd call it worried.

I flick is forehead, snapping him out of it.
"You're hurting me"

His eyes widen and he quickly let's go of me.

"I'm so sorry!"
He says, now caressing my hand.

"This is going way past jealousy. It's not only borderline obsession. And I don't want this relationship to turn out like that"

"I don't either! I'm not like that, okay?"

"But something's wrong. That much is obvious."

"I-I just-"
He stops and just stares at my hand.
"Up until now, everytime you left my side, you got hurt or ended up crying and I wasn't there for it. It makes me feel like shit."

"Katsuki, I'll be fine. You don't have to protect me all day, every day"

"Yes I do!"
He looks back up at me. His eyes are glistening with tears instead of anger now.
I touch his face and give him a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"Don't worry. You already saved me by just being here and waiting for me every day. "

"That sounds pathetic on my part."

"Well, then just see it like this: No matter who I hang out with and no matter how many movies, with idealized versions of relationships, I watch, you'll still be..."


"...everything. always"

"What kind of weird love confession is that?"
He falls back onto the pillow and pats the space next to him.

"I'm no good with words"
I lie down next to him and snuggle up against him.

"Well whatever"
He sighs and turn onto his side, holding me tightly.
"Love you too"
He kisses my head.
I wrap my arms around him and close my eyes.


Katsuki and I walk alongside each other, when Kirishima joins us. We just talk for a bit as we approach the main school building.
I sudden tug on my shirt is followed by a hand over my mouth, pulling me behind some bushes.
My heart skips a beat when I see Bakugou walking away, but my attention is ripped away yet again and onto Midoriya standing infront of me. Behind him is Yaoyorozu.

"De- uhm...Midoriya?"
I say confused.
"What's this?"

"Tell us the truth. Now. "
He comes uncomfortably close and I take a step back.

"Truth about what?"
I ask. Though, it's pointless since I already have a hunch what they're talking about.

"Are you going out with Bakugou?"
Yaoyorozu asks with a trembling voice.

"I-uhm no I'm n-"

Midoriya comes closer again.

"Okay. Fine. Yes, he is my boyfriend"

Yaoyorozu yells.

"Momo, calm down"
Midoriya whispers.

"B-but...are you actually gay?"
She asks me, now a little quieter.

"No. I just like Bakugou"

"You have got to be kidding me."
She mutters.
"I'm out. This is fucking ridiculous."

"Momo! Hold on"
Midoriya whines as she walks away.

"No! This is gross. I don't want to hear about it"
She stomps away and Midoriya looks at me with a worried look.

"She doesn't mean it like that"
He assures me.

"No. It's fine."
I shrug.
I know I should care about something like this, but it doesn't faze me in the least.

"Nonono. It's not fine. I'll talk to her."

"You really don't have to. It's understandable"

A little over half a year ago, Yaoyorozu confessed her 'love' for me. I had known about it for a while, since I was made aware of it by Midoriya.
But I rejected her. The idea of being in a relationship where I have to share my thoughts, feelings and emotions was simply ridiculous and didn't interest me whatsoever.
I couldn't comprehend such feelings. I didn't understand how you could like someone to that extent. I only learned about it when spending time with Katsuki. The desire to be close to him, to touch him, to be the center of his attention....
I didn't know how painful that kind of love could be, so I didn't get why Yaoyorozu was so upset. Normally, I'd be offended at what she said, but...she's hurt. I understand it now. That's why it's okay.

Midoriya catches my attention again
"Are you sure you feel that way about him?"



"Yes. Really"

"Fine. Do what makes you happy"
He shrugs
"I'm not a big fan of it though, so maybe don't advertise it"

"I don't plan on doing so"

"Talk to us more often. We miss you. But maybe...give it some time. And don't talk about Kacchan"
He gives me a clap on the shoulder, then leaves.

"That was scary"
I mutter.

"I just thought it was creepy"
Someone says behind me.

"So you really were there, huh?"

Katsuki puts his arms around my from behind. The comfort of his arms quickly helps me calm down.

"As if I'd let someone kidnap my honey"
He kisses the back of my head.

"Your honey?"
I chuckle and glance back at him.

He chuckles and smirks.

"Sure thing babe"

1154 words

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