1 ~ boy in the street

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"Spare! Yesss! Suck on that!"
Mina cheers and hands me the wii-remote.

"You're too full of yourself"
I sigh and take my turn.

"What!? Two strikes in a row!?"
Mina whines.

"Go figure"
Sero sighs as I hand him the controller.

"Hey, I asked you beforehand if you really wanted me to play and you guys insisted."

"Yeah yeah"
Sero mutters, knowing I'm right.

"Mina, how long did your parents say we could stay?"
Kirishima asks as he emerges from the ocean of pillows on the fluffy, purple bed.

"As long as you want to. They're going out to dinner with some friends, so they'll be late. Basically, you guys can stay as long as you want to, as long as we don't have an orgy."

"That's oddly specific"
Kaminari laughs and continues stuffing his face with popcorn.

"They said: No funny buisness"
She does some voice that I presume to be an impression of her dad, but I've never really talked to him, so I'm not sure about how spot on it really is.

"Well, it's already 9.30"
I say.

"Fine, then why don't you just leave, grandpa?"
Jirou speaks up from her corner of Mina's bed.

"Emo much?"
I ask and with a glare in my eyes.

"Arrogent douchbag much?"
She replies.

"The fuck did you just say!?"
I yell.

"Nothing. Not like I can get a word in with you talking non-stop"

"Why don't you just shut your mouth, how 'bout that?"


"Get up! I'm kicking your ass right here and now!"

"Ladies, Ladies~"
Mina puts her hand on my shoulder, but I slap it away immediately.

"Oh...no touching?"
She asks.

"No touching"
I growl in response.

"Fine. Anyway. Jirou it's your turn and stop provoking Bakubabe, it's past his bedtime"

I suddenly fall over as, out of seemingly nowhere, my arms and legs are pulled together. I can't move and when I look down, I see the white, sticky tape responsible for it.

"We can't have you killing anyone tonight"
Sero says from across the room.

"Go fu-"
My mouth is taped shut.
Nobody makes the slightest sound or movement. An eerie silence fills the room, making me feel kind of embarrassed. That is, until Mina bursts out laughing, causing the chain reaction in everyone.


"Those assholes"
I mumble
"One day, I'll kill them all"

It's around 11pm now and we all decided to go home.
Sero lives like five houses down from Mina and Kirishima is sleeping over at Kaminari's this week since his parents are out of town.
He claims to not like being home alone, but I think it's because he's the kind of person that always has to be around other people. I have no idea why I'm even friends with a guy like that, but it's too late to change my mind now.
Jirou and I live relatively close to eachother and would be the person I'd be walking with right now. But she is apparently sleeping over at Mina's house.
This means I'm on my own now. Walking through theses annoying, dim lit streets. I can see where I'm going, but if someone were to jump out at me from these dark ass alleys, I'd be boned.

"I could- WOAH!"
I almost trip over something laying in the street, but am able to catch myself before actually kissing the asphalt.

"The hell?"
I mutter.
When I look down at the thing I almost fell over, I recognize it as one of the sports bags we got from our school. Black with the silver letters U and A.
I pick it up and look around, there's no one around but me. Me and a dark suuuuper alleyway, I for the life of me don't dare to explore.
Just as I'm about to shrug it off, I hear a cough from the dark, narrow, dark -did I say dark?- alleyway.
Despite really not wanting to, I take a few steps towards the area I assume the cough to originated from. As my whole body tenses up, I can feel the muscles in my thighs twitching, ready to break into a full on sprint. I ignore my terrible gut feeling and take a deep breath.

I say and make myself peek behind a dumpster.
The first thing I spot is the white hair, then the red hair, then the rest of the boy.
The skittishness and tension in my body fades, immediately replaced by curiosity and confusion.
His eyes are closed like he's sleeping, but groaning in his sleep.
I crouch down infront of him and reach out for his, oddly beat up looking, face. I spot movement from the corner of my eye and catch the fist that was sent flying toward my face, not even a second later also catching the other fist, set out to do the same.
His eyes are now torn wide open and he's staring at me with the same shocked and confused expression I must have.

"Don't fuck with me. I'm in a bad mood today"
I say. My voice is still a littoe shaky as I try to calm down and fall back into my normal pattern of speech.
It looks like he's staring right through me, his eyes constantly loosing focus. Now that I pay attention to it, there's a trail of blood running down the side of his face.

"Hey Icyhot,"
I say, catching his attention. I let go of his hand and stretch out my index finger, holding in infront of his face.
"Follow my finger"
I say and slowly move it from left to right.
He keeps blinking, trying to focus on the finger only about an inch infront of his face, but it doesn't help.
I don't really care about him to the extent I would willingly help him when I don't have to, but curiosity just gets the better of me.

"Why are you not at home?"
I ask, but he just looks away and shakes his head.

"Are you hurt somewhere else?"
I ask. He suddenly turns his head to the side and spits out bloody saliva.

"I don't need your help"
He growls with scratchy voice says.

"Didn't ask"
I stand up again. Realizing how this situation is bound to turn out if I don't help him, I do someting foolish, I know I'll come regret.

I stop to sigh
"....do you have anywhere to go?"
I ask and his not answering is answer enough.

"Come on."
I grab his arm and pull him up, only for him to fall right back over. Luckily, I'm able to catch him before he can hit his head on the wall again.

"You can't stand, can you?"
I sigh.

''I'm fine"
He says. His gorilla grip on my arms giving away this obvious lie.
I turn and make him let go of me, letting him fall onto my back.

"Up we go"
I mutter as I stand up again, grabbing his legs and wrapping them around my waist.

"I don't need you help"
He says next to my ear.

"Just shut the fuck up, before I make you."
I growl and pick up his bag.
Staggering a bit at first, I make my way to my house. On the way there, Half 'n' Half passes out or falls asleep or something. The hoarse, slow breathing I feel on my ear and the nape of my neck and the occasional, quiet grunts as well as groans, are what assures me that -at least- he is still alive.

1263 words

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