11 ~ hickey

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I walk through the streets on my way to school.
With every step, with every movement of any of my muscles I feel my school uniform brush up against the bandages on my arms. But none of that matters to me. I don't care about the pain I feel throughout my whole body, about my neck that hurts when I drink or eat or about the wounds I myself caused, but needed, to get through the weekend.
There's only one thing I want right now.

Someone says in an angry tone of voice, while gripping my bruised shoulder. The stinging pain makes my shoulder and whole body give away, my knees buckle under me and I fall to the ground.

"Oh crap. I'm sorry"
Bakugou appears infront of me with a frustrated expression.

I say confused.

"You didn't answer my texts and calls all fucking weekend! I was worried!"
He says and frowns.
"...s-so I thought I'd meet you half way"
He adds muttering and looks away embarrassed.
He holds out his hand to help me up and I take it. I squeeze it tightly and as soon as I'm back on my feet, fall around Bakugou's neck, hugging him tightly.

"Woah okay"
He stumbles back a few steps, but catches himself. With a relieved sigh, he hugs me back.
"Good. I thought it might have been a dream or something"

"No. It wasn't"
I say into his shoulder.

"Well, then...are you okay?"

"I am now"

"What a cheesy thing to say"
He chuckles.
"But I missed you too"
He pulls away and kisses me, seemingly forgetting we're outside. In the middle of the street. A fairly empty on but still.

When I pull away and look at his face up close like this, I see the dark circles under his eyes, telling me he barely got any sleep.

"Are you okay?"
I ask and carefully caress the dark circle.

"I am now"
He smiles softly and let's go of me.

"Come on. We have to get going"
He says and takes my hand.
We walk next to each other while he complains about him being alone at home and how boring it is. He doesn't directly say it, but I know that he means it's boring without me there and knowing this, makes me unimaginably happy. After a weekend of physical and psychological horror, it's uplifting to listen to someone talking about missing me.


"You're coming to my house, right?"
Bakugou asks as we he pulls me after him, going down the street to his house, which is the way opposite of mine.

"Actually I-"
I cut myself off
"I'd love to"
I walk up next to him and we make our way to his house.

"I'm making pasta"
Bakugou says and holds the door for me.

"Thank you"
I say with a smile.

"I'm gonna go change. Do you want some other clothes too?
He asks.

"Yeah. You go change first"

"What? You embarrassed? Not like I haven't seen you without a shirt before"

"No...it's just...different now"

"You think I'm gonna pounce on you?"
He asks with a smirk.

"Uhm...n-no. I don't know"

"Come on, you adorable dumbass"
He says and I get up, following him into his room.

"So you found a way to be impolite while still making me embarrassed"

"Well...you are a dumbass, but you're also very cute when you're embarrassed. Your whole face runs red and-"

"I get it. Now shut up"
I say, even more embarrassed now.

"Haha so cute~"
He turns around and pats my head.

I am now mortified.

Bakugou turns back around again, unbuttoning his shirt as he makes his way to the closet.
He opens it and hangs the shirt along with his blazer on a coat hanger. After rummaging around in his closet for a little, he pulls out a t-shirt and a hoodie, handing me the t-shirt.

"No wait. Take the hoodie. This is my favorite t-shirt."
He pulls back the shirt and hands me the hoodie.
"But since you're tiny, it's gonna be a bit too big"

"I'm not that much shorter than you"
I complain.

"In your dreams"
He scoffs and slips into the shirt.
I stare at the hoodie, feeling how soft it is, as Bakugou changes into sweatpants.

"Are you not gonna change?"
He asks, standing infront of me again.
I don't answer and continue to stare at the hoodie while he plays with my tie.

"There's something you don't want me to see, huh?"
He says and starts undoing my tie.
I stay quiet, frozen in my position and let him move onto unbuttoning my shirt.
When he sees the bandages around my upper body, he releases a sharp, almost hissed breath and curses under his breath.
He carefully touches my bruised shoulder, then moves onto my neck, lifting my head a little.

He says, but before I can ask what he's sorry for, he pushes me down onto his bed, his hand in my hair as he pulls me into a kiss. It feels a bit forceful, but he's still careful and gentle, even when forcing his tongue in my mouth.
My hand reaches out and I grab onto his shoulder, tightly clinging to him.

He pulls away, his free hand and caressing the bruise on my neck.

"I don't like the thought of someone other than me touching you. No matter in what context"
He says and kisses my exposed shoulder, wandering upwards, getting closer to the bruise.
It stings, but the fact that it's Bakugou makes up for it. He carefully kisses me, while his rough, yet gentle hands trace up and down my spine.
I groan a little from the pain, which seems to snap Bakugou out of it, because he puts his arms around my waist and lays down with his chin resting on my chest.
My face is still incredibly hot, probably very red.

"Finish changing while I go use the toilet"
Bakugou jumps up and pats my head, then leaves the room.

I lay on Bakugou's bed, shirtless for a while, but eventually get back up. I change into the comfy hoodie, then take sweatpants out of Bakugou's closet.
My gaze meets the one in the mirror and, a bit confused as, I step closer.
On the side of my neck, right over where the bruise is strongest, there's a red spot.

I mumble and stare at its reflection in the mirror.
"He...left a hickey over the bruise"

My knees buckle under me and I sink to the floor. Tears start gushing from my eyes and a sob slips through my pressed lips.
I put my hand over my mouth and a few more, muffled sobs fill the room.
I don't even know what's happening. Why I'm sitting here sobbing.
I'm not sad. The opposite. I'm relieved.
He just erased 17 years of pain with a few words and a hickey. A hickey....a sign of possessiveness and anger.

Bakugou falls to the floor, skidding the last few inches over to me on his knees. He hugs me.
"What's wrong?"
He asks, but I just sob into his shoulder, holding the side of my neck.

Not just what he said a few days ago, but everything he's been telling me and what he's done for me. Staying up almost every night just because I couldn't sleep, telling me he'll protect me and I'll be okay. Telling me how strong I am, over and over again.

"Thank you"
I sob and hug him tighter.
"Thank you so much"

"You're welcome, I guess. Not sure what you're talking about though"
He says and hugs me tightly, kissing my head repeatedly.

1299 words

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