School again

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Rosa's POV
The summer bubble sadly ended when Bella returned. She was her usual bitchy self, but did anyone really expect her to change? Nope.

Rosalie and Emmett 'graduated' for college and thankfully didn't have to deal with her. Unfortunately Alice, Edward, and I were in the same year as Bella but Alice and I only had gym with her and we all had lunch with her, but she sat alone since no one wanted to be friends with the girl who lied about Jasper's and I's relationship and tried to slut shame me for it. Mike and Eric had confessed to sleeping with Bella and had been outcasted with her.

Angela was now seeing Ben Cheney and Jessica was seeing Tyler's cousin Jason. They were much happier in their relationships now then they were before.

Jasper had stayed behind an additional year so I wouldn't be alone with Bella. Thankfully she hasn't caused a scene since the first day.


Jasper and I just arrived at school in Edward's Volvo Bella was already there and glaring at us

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Jasper and I just arrived at school in Edward's Volvo Bella was already there and glaring at us. Jasper went around and opened the door for me. He pulled me out and pulled me into a earth shattering kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back feverishly, trying to soothe him.

My scent was like aspirin or morphine to him and when he got overwhelmed by everyone else's scent he'd pull me close and kiss me or bury his face into my neck in an attempt to control himself.

We broke apart and Bella came storming up to us she ripped me out of Jasper's embrace "What the hell?!" I yelled drawing attention to us. Jasper grabbed me and pulled me to his side protectively while Edward and Alice came to our aide "You stole my life!" Bella accused "I was supposed to be with Jasper! I was supposed to ride up in a fancy car and go over to a mansion every Friday and Saturday night for dinner and sex!"

I recoiled at the thought of Bella being with Jasper. Upon hearing her words Jasper snarled "I would've never dated you Isabella! With or without Rosa present. You're disgusting and cruel and the only reason that I even acknowledge your existence is because you live with my Rose!" Edward and Alice nodded in agreement "No one in our family likes you but we tolerate you for Rosa's sake" Edward says.

A crowd of students gathered around us and started shouting for Bella to leave me and Jasper alone before they called the cops. Bella fled the scene in humiliation.

~~~end flashback~~~

Currently we were sitting at lunch with our group which included Angela, Ben, Jason, Tyler, Lauren, and Jessica. Mike and Eric sat alone at a table far away from us and Bella sat totally alone a few tables away scowling at us.

We were talking and laughing about random things. We were being normal teenagers which the Cullen siblings all thanked me for as they claimed that they never would've tasted normalcy without me.

If only we knew what storm Bella was brewing. Maybe things would've been easier, but I wouldn't change anything about my new life for the world.

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