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Rosa's POV
The next day the Cullen's didn't show up to school which was understandable considering how things went last night. I got ready for the day and drove myself to school.

The day went by quickly and was uneventful

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The day went by quickly and was uneventful. Bella got held back as she'd gotten detention for bullying a student and she would now have to stay for an additional hour. When I finally got home I went up to my room and changed into pajamas before starting on my homework and since it was Friday I planned to pass out and not wake up until mom and dad dragged me to school.

I turned around and nearly screamed as Jasper sat frozen at my desk "Jasper! What are you doing here?" I hissed out double checking that my door was shut and locked "Apparently, getting a strip tease" I whirled around to see his flustered and amus...

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I turned around and nearly screamed as Jasper sat frozen at my desk "Jasper! What are you doing here?" I hissed out double checking that my door was shut and locked "Apparently, getting a strip tease" I whirled around to see his flustered and amused face.

I scoffed before an adoring amused smile slipped onto my face. I walked over to him and straddles his waist his hands instinctively went to my hips as he pulled me closer to his body. I leaned down and kissed him which he eagerly returned. When I pulled away I noticed his frown and concentrated facial expression.

I raised my hand up to his hair and ran my fingers through it a few times before cupping his cheek "Hey what's wrong?" He sighed and shook his head "Nothing..." "It's not nothing Jazz, c'mon what's going on in that head of yours my beloved" Jasper melted at the pet name that I rarely used.

"My family and I are moving..." he said hesitantly, I felt my blood run cold "Oh..." I immediately began to pull away from him which was painful as it felt as if my heart was tearing itself in two in order for a part of it to stay with him. Jasper felt my pain and pulled me towards him "No, no, no!" I tried to pull away again but Jasper cut me off by saying "I'm not leaving you! I'm keeping my promise."

I stared at him with tears in my eyes. Jasper reached up and cupped my face before saying "I love you, Rosa Swan. You are my whole world. You're my mate and future wife" he began as he wiped away my tears "But I can't be near you if I'm a constant danger to you and your family. I can't let what happened last night happen again" I blinked as I looked at his guilty expression and I frowned.

"Jasper....last night was not your fault. Bella-" I started but Jasper cut me off by saying "Proved what I've been insecure about since day one" I frowned. Although my blood doesn't appeal to him in the sense of food, it's not unheard of for a vampire to accidentally harm a human mate as we are more fragile than them. This was something that Jasper feared above all and why I was in charge of intimacy between us 98% of the time despite us both being switches.

"Jasper, Bells only did that because she wanted you to lose control and accidentally turn her" I said trying to ease the guilt in his head. Jasper nodded and said "I know, but the fact that I should've handled it better" I winced and asked "Are Edward and Esme upset with you about destroying their piano and table?" He flinched and said "That is a possibility..."

I chuckled then hesitatingly asked "So what's the plan?" He smiled at me and kissed my forehead "We're going to Alaska for a few months and we'll be back before graduation. We're changing our contact information as Bella has it" he handed me a piece of paper with everyone's new information "We'll do long distance. Texting and calling daily and FaceTiming on weekends."

I smiled and nodded "Okay" "Okay?" He questioned "We can do this. It's just for a few months, besides I can look through all those wedding magazines that Alice sent me and those lingerie and sex toy magazines and plan for our honeymoon" I said teasingly.

This made Jasper groan and me laugh.

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