Attempted Murder

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Rosa's POV
I was laying on my bed after finishing a history project about historical love triangles. Mine was Henry the 8th, Anne Boleyn, and Jane Seymour. I think people don't realize that while Jane was buried as a queen, Henry really did love Anne. He divorced a woman he was married to for 24 years and had kids together (their only son died of SIDS), and changed an entire religion to be with her.

It was all pretty romantic. Too bad he cheated on her then executed her on false charges.

There was a sudden banging on my bedroom door making me groan in annoyance "What?!" I whined out "Open the door Ella!" Bella called, making me scowl "For the last time dumbass it's Rosa!" I snapped as I walked over to the door and swung it open "What do you want?" I demanded "Why was your door locked?" She asked dumbly, while trying to peer over my shoulder as if looking for something "To keep your annoying ass out. Now what do you want?" I said fed up.

"Is someone with you?" She continued to ask but stopped when she saw my outfit "Who's shirt is that? Is it Jasper's? Why are you wearing his clothes?! You guys broke up! Get over yourself!" "It's none of your business!" I slammed the door in her face before lifting the collar of the shirt and smelling the fading scent to calm me down.

"Is someone with you?" She continued to ask but stopped when she saw my outfit "Who's shirt is that? Is it Jasper's? Why are you wearing his clothes?! You guys broke up! Get over yourself!" "It's none of your business!" I slammed the door in her f...

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I sighed before changing and going downstairs for some food.

I was suddenly grabbed by Bella who proceeded to drag me to her truck "Bella?! What the fuck?!" I snapped "Get in we need to talk" was all she said "I gave her a confused look before asking "About what?" To which she replied "About Jasper" I rolle...

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I was suddenly grabbed by Bella who proceeded to drag me to her truck "Bella?! What the fuck?!" I snapped "Get in we need to talk" was all she said "I gave her a confused look before asking "About what?" To which she replied "About Jasper" I rolled my eyes and scoffed "Seriously?" She then looked me in my eyes and said "I know you're still in contact with him and the other Cullens" I froze then reluctantly got in.

Bella drove us to La Push and stopped on the side of a road before getting out and walking into the woods. I hesitantly followed after sending a text to Jake about where I was and who I was with before stuffing my phone in Bella's truck's seats. If I went missing because of this dumbass, people will know that she was the last person to see me.

We stopped by a cliff that I made sure to keep my distance from, but Bella stood next to the edge making me feel anxious "Alright Hells Bells we're here. What do you want to talk about?" I said, Bella was muttering something underneath her breath making me shift uncomfortably as I strained to hear it "Did you really think that you could keep it a secret from me?" I rolled my eyes "Mine and Jasper's relationship is none of your business Bella. I don't need to tell you every little detail about it."

Bella whirled around and scowled at me. She looked fucking insane.

I stood my ground, but deep down my head was screaming to runway "It is my fucking business you home wrecking slut!" I gave her a bewildered look "How exactly am I a home wrecker Bella? Because Jasper chose me over you? Oh well boo-fuckity-hoo I'm sorry your feelings were hurt princess!" I snapped "I slept with Jasper" she stated, I blinked and laughed out loud "No, you didn't" "I did. He said he wanted to be with me and that he loved me. He said he'd turn me. Why do you think he won't sleep with you? Because he's afraid of hurting you? Please, it's because he's with me!" I stared at her blankly "I'm going home. I don't have to listen to this crap" I turned around and started to walk away when Bella lunged at me.

She tackled me from behind and we started wrestling and scuffling on the forest floor. We must've rolled too close to the edge because next thing I know we were falling over the edge of the cliff. My body hit the water and ice filled my veins. I kicked and fought against the current but it was too strong and I was suffocating. My lungs burned for air that they would receive, my body was too tired and felt heavy, and my mind had already given up on surviving this.

The only thing that was fighting to live was my heart and it's desire to see Jasper again.

But darkness filled my vision.

I was laying in the meadow with Jasper staring at his diamond studded skin "So this it, huh? The end" he commented suddenly as he stared at me.

I shrugged "It's not so bad here. I get to be with you again" Jasper chuckled "Ya flatter me ma'am, but ya know ya can't stay. Ya got people who need ya" I frowned "But.... I don't wanna go. I wanna stay here with you" I reached over and laid my hand on his chest and hovered over him before kissing him slowly, passionately.

I pulled away after awhile only for Jasper to say "Wake up Rosa......Rosa wake up please, please. Rosa! Wake up!"

My eyes flew open and I started coughing up water. There was a hand coming down on my back trying to aid me in my mission to dispel any seawater in my lung.

I heaved and gasped as air filled my fiery lungs. Tears fell from my eyes as the sore aching sensation traveled throughout my body with only the crisp cold air as comfort "She's alive! She's alive!" I heard Jake call out "It's okay Rosa, you're okay. Just breathe" I looked up to see Sam Uley kneel next to me while Paul Lahote and Jared Cameron held my sister back from attacking me.

Bella looked downright feral right now as she practically foamed at the mouth.

I turned to Sam and croaked out "S-she tried to kill me."

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