Long distance sucks

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3rd POV
For the past four months Rosa has been the only person in Forks still in contact with the Cullens. The only ones who knew about it were her parents.

Bella had skipped the last half detention and came home only to see that Jasper was leaving. She assumed that they broke up and had followed him into the woods to 'comfort' him but wound up getting lost. Thankfully Sam Uley found her and brought her home sexy firefighter style as Bella likes to say. When Bella realized that the Cullens had moved away she became 'depressed' and started having 'nightmares', but after two weeks of no sleep thanks to her twin Rosa walked into her room and found her phone which had alarms on it making Bella's nightmares fake.

This resulted in Charlie going off on Bella and scolding her for faking a very serious mental illness that her own twin suffered from. Bella argued that she was really depressed and that it wasn't all about Ella this resulted in Cora joining in, she usually let Charlie do the disciplining, and giving Bella an ultimatum. She can either act right and stop trying to get attention on her, or she can go back to living with Renee. Bella refused because 'what if her precious Cullens come back for her?' This made Charlie and Cora believe that she had another mental illness like schizophrenia and start calling psychiatrists.

After that Bella started hanging out with Jacob, Rosa tagged along to chaperone the innocent 16 year old boy and the forever horny 18 year old. I knew that she didn't really matter to her as she slept with teachers and freshmen alike. This resulted in parents pulling their kids out of school after testing positive for an STD and teachers being fired for 'taking advantage of a student' when it was actually Bella's fault. I'm pretty sure that my sister is a narcissistic sociopath but I don't have a degree to prove that.

Jake and Rosa became closer and Rosa had started think of him as a younger brother. He confided in her about crushing on an older woman, not Bella thank god but a REAL woman, it's apparently someone that Rosa knows in La Push. Rosa only know the Clearwaters and the Blacks so it can't be his mother or sisters which leaves Sue Clearwater, Leah Clearwater, and Leah's cousin Emily Young.

As for Rosa and Jasper they talked every night and FaceTimed on weekends as promised. Her friends suspected that she was still in contact with them as she didn't go through the 'break up grief' sadness, anger, horny, and acceptance. They didn't say anything though because they knew that if Bella overheard aka eavesdropped then she would become 'curious' and try to get into Rosa's relationship with Jasper.

Rosa did miss Jasper terribly and would often go to the Cullens house, that she had a spare key to, and steal the shirts that Jasper left behind or lay in his bed just to breathe in his scent. She also went to their meadow and stared up at the sky. She didn't tell Jasper of the ache in her chest as she knew that Jasper would feel guilty and come back early. This 'thirst training retreat' was important to Jasper and his peace of mind. Rosa couldn't be selfish, though knowing what she does now that she didn't know then she probably would've told him.

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