Chapter 2: The Energy Never Dies

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I watched her singing that song. She meant it, every word. It was like a wake-up call for me. Stop daydreaming about her, like she is yours. You can say that I did a pretty crap job with the 'stop' part. Mark and Glen both said that I was crazy to think about her that much and that there were other girls on the planet. At my turn I said that there were no girls like her. I am fucked without her.

This was the first time I saw her after I saw her leaving Dublin. I watched her carreer from a distance. She had gigs trough the whole of the UK. I was so proud of her. I wish I could share it with her. I couldn't help but think how life for the both of us could have been if the stage accident didn't happened. We would have a child which would be one year old, we would have been married. She would have been touring with us. It would be so much better then it is right now.

I am touring with the lads now. It doesn't feel as awesome as it used to be. It's because I don't have anyone to come to with my stories. To lay down on her chest and let her raffle trough my hair.

'Oh God, you supposed to not see each other', Anna said. 'Well that part failed a bit', I said. 'I am so sorry, my boss is going to kill me', Anna mumbled. 'Don't worry, we won't let your boss kill you, promise', Kay said. 'Can... we uhm. I loved the song', I stuttered. Mark and Glen looked at me with pity on there faces.

'Thank you Danny, I really love your new album as well, No Sound Without Silence, I believe you guys are the only band that doesn't use a song as the title from their album', I said. 'Well we want to keep it original', Mark said.

'I better go, good luck with your interview, bye', Kay said and she left. 'Shit', I mumbled. 'What's up Danny, come on we have an interview, are are on a time schedule here', Mark warned. 'I don't care about that right now, I only care about her, I need her Mark, I just do, you knew Rina is your soul mate, I know Kay is mine', I said.

'You better hurry, she is already at the exit point', Anna said. 'Damn', I said. 'Better not leave her again, otherwise we are screwed Dan', Glen yelled. 'Screw you', I said laughing. People were looking at me like I was acting weird. Maybe I was in the studio running around like an asshole.

'STOP!', I screamed when I saw Kay and Leilah going trough the exit door. They both turned around. 'Danny, what are you doing here, I thought you had your interview', Kay said surprised.

'Kay, I can't live another day without you, this year has been hell without you, you might heard it with the songs I wrote, I miss you, I miss everything about you, I want to share things with you when I get home, I am heartbreak for over more then a year, and I've been listening to your songs too, I know what you feel and I want to share it, I've been stupid to let you go that day, I am not going to be stupid right now', I said.

'Shit Danny, you are making it so difficult for the both of you', Leilah said. 'I feel like crap every day I am not with you Danny, I feel like I'm healing, but my heart ache is still there, it will never go away, I still... I...', Kay started. 'Kay... I love you with all my heart... I can't lose you anymore', I said.

'I can't lose you anymore either Danny, I just can't', Kay said and she threw her arms around me. I pressed my lips upon hers. We kissed in the middle of the BBC Radio1 studio.

'Baby, I am never going to let you go anymore', I said. 'I don't want to let you go either', Kay said. That she said that meant the world to me. My face was lighting up when I saw her. The trusted butterflies that I had when I was with her were coming back again. They have been stuck for a while, but they were glad they could fly again.

'Jesus, what takes you so long', Mark started as he and Glen came downstairs. He saw me and Kay snogging each others face off. 'Baby I would have sex with you right her and now if it weren't for all those people', I mumbled in her ear. 'You are so hot when you talk like that', Kay mumbled. 'Oooh Kay, are you guys finally back together again, Dan couldn't talk about anything else then you, boy he was boring', Mark said. 'Thanks a lot Mark, really', I said sarcastic.

Kay just laughed as her and Leilah accompanied us to the interview room again. 'I love you', I whispered. 'I love you too', Kay said and she kissed me again. Her lips on mine was amazing. Of course we both changed after what happened between us. We were grown up, we had to.

'Oh boy, my boss will kill me', Anna said coming running towards us. 'Sorry we didn't made it on air time', I said. 'Well my boss said that if you guys would do an interview together with fans asking questions, that would be amazing', Anna said. 'I don't see why not', Kay said looking at me. 'Kay, is that a good idea', Leilah warned. 'Ah Leils, it's fine, I ensure the questions I want to ensure', I said. 'Okay, good luck then', Leilah said.

'Thank you so much for doing this, can I just say that you two are the sweetest couple that the UK ever had', Anna said. 'Ha, I'm sure there are a lot more awesome couples', I said.

'So we have a girl on the line, she has a question for you guys', Anna said.

'Hello, my name is Gabriella, I am a massive fan of The Script, I wanted to ask Danny a question', Gabriella said. 'Sure thing, go ahead luv', I said. 'Are you coming back to The Voice this year, because I heard this rumour that Kay would be a coach as well, since Jessie is no longer a coach', Gabriella asked. 'Well Gabriella, Kay and I are both on a real good page with each other again, and I am going to be in The Voice next season, no worries, as for Kay, I haven't heard a thing about her being a coach, Kay have you?', I asked. 'No I haven't, I think Michael needs to pick up the phone and call me', Kay said with a smile. 'Thank you, Kay I loved you on The Voice, I was team Danny all the way', Gabriella said. 'Thanks', Kay said with a smile.

'Next up is another girl, you have a lot of female fans', Anna mumbled. Both Kay and I laughed.

'Hai, my name is Kayleiah, but my friends call me Kay, which seems a bit ironic since well... since Kay is doing the interview as well, but uhm anyway, my question is for the both of you. Are you both fear a stage now, since that accident with the festival?', Kayleiah asked. 'Well I am not going to be afraid for stages for the rest of my life, but I do have a fear to go trough, not just the normal vibes for us anymore, it's a little bit more heavy', Kay said. 'Yeah same for me too', Danny said.

'So we call it a day for the questions, sorry guys, The Script is now going to perform life for us, No Good In Goodbye', Anna said.


Leilah and I watched the performance from behind the scenes and we were both a big fan of the song. 'Are you sure it's a good idea to start a new relationship with him?', Leilah asked. 'Leilah, I feel empty without him, he makes it all better, I just can't live without him anymore. A year is a long time to sort things out, and when you find each other like this. I just can't be alone anymore', I said. 'I have your back, whatever you do', Leilah said. 'Thanks girl, oh hey, maybe you and Glen can finally go out?', I said. 'Nah, not sure he is still interested in me', Leilah said, but she looked happy by the sound of Glen's name.

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