Chapter 9: Flares

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I am a married man now. I couldn't believe it felt this great. Before I met Kay I never even thought about marriage. Not once it crossed my mind. Not with Irma who I've dated the longest from all the girls I had, 4 years I've dated her, not once the thought about marriage crossed my mind. With Kay, well I never wanted to lose her, never. Which means I had to have her.

I lifted her up and carried her bride style-ish. She giggled. Her cute giggle. She ran with her fingers trough my hair. 'Danny', she said with a smile. 'Hmmm', was my reply and I pressed a kiss on her lips. 'I want you', she said running her hands over my chest. I felt myself getting heated up. 'I want you too', I whispered.

She had some troubles with my suit. I helped her a bit and I unzipped her dress. 'Baby girl', I said trying to charm her all over again with my husky Irish voice. It worked. She kissed me with swollen lips from wanting me desperate, not in a bad way by the way. A positive way.

We were both but naked. I ran my hands over her body. She shivered. I made circles over her beautiful breasts and kissed them. She moaned when I did that. 'I love you baby girl', I said. 'I love you too Danny boy', she said.

The wedding night was amazing. She was amazing. We had nothing planned for a honeymoon since we are both busy and under contract with The Voice.

It was weird knowing that you will be working again tomorrow. Like any other normal working day.

I woke up the next morning next to my brand new wife. I softly stood up to get the news paper. My phone rang as I got a few photo's from Mark and Glen from the wedding.

And we were front page news again.

The Script frontman Danny O'Donoghue is married!

We all know that Kay McClane, now Kay O'Donoghue, used to be a contestant on The Voice, it seems that she tamed the ladies man. They said 'yes' for life to each other yesterday in a small church. All of there loved once were present. It was only resent that Danny O'Donoghue asked her to be his wife. Rumour has it that Kay was the one who wanted to get married this soon. They look really happy. We wish the newly weds the best of luck. They both look beautiful.

Under that was a picture of me and Kay in the heart of London were I proposed with a little help of the Billboards on Piccadilly Circus.

'Danny?', I heard from the bedroom. 'Yes hun, I am here, just fetching the news paper, wait baby girl', I said with a smile making for the both of us tea.

'There he is', she said with a smile. 'Last night was amazing', she said and she kissed me. 'It was the best day of my life', I confessed. 'Any news about us?', she pointed at the paper. 'Yeah front page news', I said giving her the paper to read. 'We should put our wedding photo on Twitter and Instagram', she said. 'As you wish Mrs. O'Donoghue', I said smiling grabbing my phone and posting a few pics on IG and Twitter. I got several replies within seconds. Most of them were good. Others well, you didn't want to read all of the replies.

'Were are your parents staying?', I asked. 'At the hotel, they are going to fly back to Dublin tomorrow, so if it's okay with you, they asked if we wanted to have a final meal with them tonight, to say goodbye', I said. 'Sure, my siblings are going back tomorrow as well, we will have a great family meal together, for the first time as a married couple', I said with a smile.

We showered together. A lot of giggling and moaning was fitting. She explored my body, every inch of it. Her hands went on places I really can't say outloud, she made my morning perfect. I made her morning perfect since she really liked how I expored her body. Her body was perfect. Our skin that touched each other gave away fireworks all over the place.

We arrived at work soon. 'There they are, our newly weds!', Will cheered and he hugged Kay and slapped me on my back. 'Guys, I couldn't keep it dry yesterday', Holly said. 'I saw', Kay said with a smile. 'You guys, I guess I call you Kay O'Donoghue now', Jessie said. 'Jessie!', Kay said hugging her. They became really good friends. 'Hey there girl, he is a catch isn't he, a keeper', Jessie said. 'He sure is', Kay said smiling at me. Butterflies flew over me.


I hugged everyone. Even Michael who wasn't mad anymore. He confessed that he just didn't want to see any of his coaches getting lead on, he knew that I wasn't one of those girls, but he couldn't help but protect the show since he was also under contract and in risk losing his job too. I understood that.

We sat in our chairs and smiled at each other. This was going to be my second show as coach, second blinds let's go!

After The Voice Danny and I went to a restaurant were we met up with our families.

We had a blast talking to everyone, it was not for the last time for sure, but as they lived in Dublin and we had our lives here in London. I thanked everyone for the love they gave us, for being there for us, supporting us as a couple.

A couple of fans saw me and Danny leaving the restaurant and ran towards us. 'Danny... Kay O'Donoghue, can we get an autographe?', a girl asked. 'Of course', I said feeling great and I gave them what they want. I also took a selfie with them. Danny did the same thing as he took the time to see his fans.

'So... this is our life now right', Danny said while he was kissing me in the moonlight. 'I can get used to this', I said with a smile... 'Babe you better be', Danny said and he let his hand slide into mine.

Never Seen Anything Quite Like You (Danny O'Donoghue)Where stories live. Discover now