Chapter 8: Science & Faith

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I was shopping with Leilah, Dana and my mum. My dad stayed at the hotel. This was the day I am getting married. I wouldn't see Danny until church time and wedding bells. I was nervous, but I have never been so certain about anything in my life. I now see that the break we had was good for us. That we might needed that otherwise we wouldn't have been this strong.

'Mum that dress is terrible, if I want Danny to run away with someone else I wear that, Jesus, come on guys we only have a few hours left, let's make the most out of it. 'This one?', Leilah said with a smile. 'Leils you know me so well, that is so beautiful, it's like love at first sight, it's simple, nothing expensive or too fancy, because both Dan and I are not those kind a people', I said. 'It will look perfect', my mum said.


'Oh my God Mark what is she doing now, please try and reach her, she didn't got cols feet right?', I asked. 'Cold feet, Dan come on, it was her idea to get married today, don't be stupid, this girl loves you', Mark said. 'Yeah she is not going to bail on your sorry ass', Glen said slapping me on my back while I was doing my tie.

'Here, let's have a drink on it, our Danny boy finally growing up, settles down with the girl of his dreams', Mark said handing me a glass of Whiskey. I drank it all. 'Jesus Dan, slow down, you don't have to be so nervous, she is going to love you no matter what', Glen said giving me a glass of water and a breath mint.


'You look beautiful', my mum said and she was almost crying. 'Ma, please stop crying okay, I start to cry too and my make-up is screwed up then, Leilah and Dana would be very mad about that, dad don't start crying too, I've never seen you cry, I would like to keep it that way', I said begging them. 'Fine, sorry dear', my mum said hugging me. 'Danny is a great guy, you've done great, he stole your heart right?', my dad said. 'He steals my heart every time I look at him', I confessed. 'Let's go, we are all ready to go', my dad said. My mum went to sit down and Leilah and Dana stood behind me. 'I love you guys', I said. 'We love you', Dana and Leilah said and they both hugged me.


Mark was my best man. Glen didn't mind, he said that this wedding was for me not for him and he as loyal good friend, he got that I knew Mark since high school. 'There... isn't she beautiful?', Mark said smiling at me. I looked at the end of the hall. My jaw dropped on the floor.

Her beautiful white dress was nothing to cheezy or big like any other girl would have done, it was beautiful simple, it suited her for sure. I couldn't believe she was going to be my wife any second now. That she picked me.

Her father kissed her on her cheek. I saw Tom freaking Jones with tears in his eyes, even Will couldn't manage to keep it dry.

She smiled as she gave away the flowers too Dana for safe keeping. Our eyes locked, it was like we are the only people on the planet.

'We are together to celibrate a union between Daniel O'Donoghue and Kay McClane, if anyone should be against this marriage, please stand up now, later would be too late', the priest said. No one stood up, thank God.

'Kay, the first time I saw you I heard you sing one of The Script songs at the corner in the heart of London. You put a spell on me, all I wanted was to see you again, lucky for me you came back that same night, alone this time, couldn't sleep either, we kept each other company for a moment, you were all mysterious about the fact I would see you again. You already knew. I didn't. Then I saw you on The Voice, I couldn't control my feelings, I know Michael ordered me to control them...', I said looking at Michael for a second who sat next to Holly. The whole room laughed included Michael.

'With you around me I couldn't, so naturally I couldn't let you go at our first date without kissing you. I knew I loved you from the moment we've met, you are from this day on stuck with me. I promise to love you every day of my life, we've been trough some hard times, but we can handle those too. Eventually we find our way back to each other. 'I love you... I always will', I said ending my speech.


I had tears in my eyes with his speech. It was so beautiful. 'Danny boy... let me first start by telling everyone that I am and was from the very beginning a mega fan of The Script, Leilah can stand in on that one. Still a big fan by the way', I said looking at Mark and Glen. The room laughed again. 'I didn't knew that we were meeting the night before The Voice started, it was like science and faith', I said. Danny smiled at me when I said that.

'I bumped into you and I couldn't believe my own eyes, I remember that I thought 'OMG Danny O'Donoghue is standing in front of me!', I said. Laughing filled the room again. 'It was like Science and faith part 2 when we met again that night, let's make triology out of it because I knew that I was going to see you on The Voice, there was only one couch in my mind, sorry about that Tom, Will... Jessie', I said. 'Doesn't matter darling', Jessie said with a smile. I laughed.

'I knew that you had a status, and of course I cared about that, but I was no longer crazy ass Script fan and loved you because of the fact you are the frontman on of The Script, I fell in love with you because of you.

'Danny boy... I love you with all my heart, I promise to love you every day for the rest of my life and further if possible. I love you... I always will', I ended my speech the same way Danny did.

'Rings please', the priest said. Dana gave the rings.


I loved her speech. It was funny, right from the heart. 'Do you Daniel John Mark Luke O'Donoghue take Kay McClane to be your loving wife and promise to love her in good times and bad times'. 'I do', I said. 'Do you Kay McClane take Daniel John Mark Luke O'Donoghue to be your husband and promise to love him in good times and bad times'. 'I do', Kay said. My heart jumped when she said that. I put on her ring and she put it on me. 'From no one you are husband and wife, you may kiss the bride'.

He didn't need to tell me twice. I kissed her on her beautiful lips. My heart was jumping like crazy and the tingled feeling I got every time I saw her, touched her, felt her or kissed her came flying trough my chest.

This day was perfect.

The Wedding!!! What did are your thoughts about Dan and Kay O'Donoghue. I kind a love them. I don't think many chapters to come. Maybe 2 or 3 perhaps. Then the story of Dan and Kay is over. Hope you guys enjoyed it so far. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote or comment.

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