Chapter 5: Never Seen Anything Quite Like You

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A few weeks passed by before we had to record another blind audition. I kept looking at the engagement ring I bought for Kay over a year ago. I wanted to marry her badly. Be with her in any way I could. I love her too much to let her go ever again. I told her that I was going out with the guys and she went to go out with Leilah and Dana anyway. She said she hadn't done it in a while. She wanted to know how Glen's date was with Leilah. I wanted to know that too, only from another person. Glen the man.

'Mate, your here, I thought you were never going to show up, I've never seen you this happy', Mark said cheering when he saw me arriving in the studio. 'Sorry, I've been away for too long, Kay and The Voice have taken so much of my time, but I want to be here as well, don't get me wrong', I said. 'No worries Dan, you are here now, and you want something. I can tell', Mark said.

I was fetching the engagement ring out of my pocket. 'I love her Mark, I love her and I never want too let go of that, I've already lost her once, it broke my heart, our hearts, I want her forever, waking up next to her is the best thing that happens to me daily, I am in love with her like crazy, I can't lose her, I want her too be the mum of our children, I want to be the father of our children, a good husband for her, that is who I want to be Mark, but how do I know when the time is right', I said. 'I just knew it with Rina, she was the one for me from the moment I've met her, you feel the same way with Kay now, ask her now, before you lose her, about timing, well I can't give you guidence there Dan, that is up to you', Mark said.

'So do I hear this right, are you going to propose Dan', Glen said coming in. I showed him the ring. 'Wow, Dan that is really pretty, she will love it', Glen said. I smiled. 'How was your date with Leilah?', I asked. 'It went great actually, she is really sweet, we kissed in front of her door, like a classic romantic movie', Glen said. 'Is she a good kisser?', Mark asked with a grin. 'Very, she explained to me that this was the right time, that if we might would have presued things last year I would have been heart broken because she wasn't over the break-up with her previous fiance. She was engaged for a year, so I can only imagine the pain she was in back then, so yeah timing is everything I guess', Glen said. 'Great, that really helps a lot', I said sarcastic.

I jammed what with the guys and we were rocking the studio's for a bit and tried to decide who to bring with us on our No Sound Without Silence Tour. We had in mind to take Kay with us as support act, also she would sing a song with us, and then we wanted someone else before her, another act, unknown. 'I like that Colton Avery guy, he sings really good and has great songs, I think it's our style and people are going to love that', Glen said. 'I agree with ya, Dan?', Mark asked. 'I kind a think we need to get in touch with him, can you ask if our PR would do that', I asked Mark. 'Yeah sure Dan', Mark said. 'Were are you going?', Glen asked. 'To see my girl, I'm not sure if it's the right timing yet, but I feel it when I see her, I think I have an idea how to ask her', I said. 'How?', Mark asked. 'You see it when the world sees it', I said.

I rushed to the heart of London for a little chat with the people who were running the Billboard commurcials. Sorry coca cola, you will have to wait popping up again. I gave them 'Never Seen Anything Quite Like You' as a song to put under the letters.

I arranged a room for us in the Ritz. It was perfect. Everything is perfect with her. I phoned her.

'Babe, where are ya?', I asked. 'Oxford Street shopping with the girls, they are desperate in need for shoes, me to by the way', she said. I laughed. 'Well since you are so close too me, would you mind walking towards Piccadilly Circus, oh yeah and pay attention too the commurcials', I said. 'What why, Dan don't be so secretive, just tell me', she said. 'Nope, follow my voice baby', I said and I hung up.

I was nervous as hell. What if she said no, what would happen then! What if her parents don't agree with it, they liked me but do they agree with me marry there girl after a year not seeing each other, after all that happened between us? I started to stress out a bit. Sweaty palms and all.

I was a nervous wrech when 'Never Seen Anything Quite Like You' got played really loud so everyone started to look where the sound came from and noticed me. Then I saw Kay coming walking towards me with shopping bags in her hands. Looks like she, Dana and Leilah had a girls time. Dana and Leilah pointed at the Billboards.


'Look, just look!', Leilah said screaming in my ear. I looked up and saw it. My jaw dropped.

'Never Seen Anything Quite Like You, If You See Kay, tell her that I want to marry her!'

'Kay, Kay are you all right?', Dana asked giggling. Camera's were pointed at me and Danny. I saw him, standing there under the Billboards. I walked towards him, dumping my bags in Dana and Leilah's hands. 'Kay...', Danny said nervously walking towards me. I took his hand so he wouldn't be so nervous. Instead of the letters from Danny asking me to marry her we were now live for the entire world to see. 'And would you... become my wife, my sweet Kay?', Danny asked and he showed me the ring. I gasped. It was the ring I saw by accident, still so beautiful.

I looked him in his beautiful brown eyes that looked nervous as hell. I knew my awnser. 'Yes Danny boy, that is my ensure too you, I never want to be apart from you ever again', I said. He pressed his lips upon me and at the same time put the ring around my finger. I admired it for a second before I crashed my lips against his again. He lifted me up and kissed me. People started cheering.

'I love you', he whispered. 'I love you too', I said right back. 'Hmmm can't wait to spend forever with you', I said. 'Me neither, I was so scared', Danny confessed. 'For what sweetheart', I said stroking him over his cheek. 'That you were going to say 'no', Danny said. 'I can never say 'no' to you Danny boy', I said and I kissed him again. 'I think we are going to be front page news tomorrow', Danny whispered. My only respond was my lips against his.

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