Chapter 4: Fall For Anything

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Danny's date was so amazing. I can't discribe it. It was romantic, flawless, perfect, sweet. Our make out session was perfection. It was like we've never been apart for a year. We just picked up were we left off. Of course we had our doubts, but this time we decided to share those doubts. It's better to share then to keep things for yourself. That is something we've learned over the past year that we had to deal with our love for each other alone.

Danny and I were both preparing for The Voice. Jessie J came to me for tips, do's and dont's, she gave me all kind of advise and we had a really nice day with just us girls time.

We had no idea that it this day would be a great day for both of our carreers. I was a new be, a groupie compared to all those amazing coaches. Sir Tom Jones has been around for ages and worked with everybody you can possible imagine. Will has been producing music and has been making it for as long as I can remember, Danny, he's been in the music business before I was born, producing and writing songs I don't have a clue how he did it. Why Michael would want me as a coach on The Voice was a riddle to me. But I guess they needed someone who has been trough all the things only a contestant from The Voice could go trough.

'Babe, what are you doing to me', Danny said when we woke up next to each other that morning. 'I haven't done anything yet', I said innocently, but I knew what he meant. 'Oooh baby girl, you know what I'm talking about', Danny said and he pulled me towards his chest. 'Today is the day', I said. 'Yup', Danny said popping the 'p'.

'I'm going to shower. I need to look fresh on my first day at my new job as coach, people want to be able to stand next to me, not walk away from me', I said giggling. 'Babe, I can never walk away from you ever again', Danny said. 'I won't walk away from you again Danny, it was the biggest mistake I've made in my life, I quit us when we both needed each other the most, I just didn't understood that', I said. 'Now we both understand we can't live without each other, so let's shower together in order to never forget that', Danny said with a smile. 'Only a shower babe', I said questioning Danny's intentions for a shower. 'I can promise you it's going to be hot and steamy', Danny said. 'Well who can pass that up', I giggled.

'You look chipper Danny, so are you Kay, stepped out of bed with the right foot ay', Will said with a wink. 'Will, that's our business', I said embarresed. Good god, now Will and Tom know we had a good morning sex. 'Ah younge love', Tom said. 'I really like your new hit by the way Kay, it's stuck in my head all the time', Will said. 'Ah thanks, All About You is meant to be stuck in your head', I said laughing.

'So just to be sure, you two will sit next to each other, this is going to be crazy, but I think The Voice will get a lot of publicity with two of the coaches actually together, you should check out the fanfictions that people wrote about you two, some of them are just freaking crazy, they write stuff I didn't even know you could do Danny', Will said teasing us again. 'Aaarg, I don't need to know that', I said covering my ears.

Lucky for me Holly and Reggie came by. 'Hey guys, so glad you are all here, good to have you back but then as a coach Kay, how does it feel?', Holly said. 'Weird, I have no idea what I am going to do, I think that will come', I said. 'I am sure that it is, no worries dear, you will do fine, otherwise Michael wouldn't have asked you', Holly said.

We all sat in our chairs, the final touches from the make-up was done. 'Babe, good luck', Danny said kissing me right before we went to record. 'You too, I love you, no matter how many times you flirt with the girls, I am putting on my game too', I said with a smile. 'Good, charming cheeky Kay, you are going to have so much fun', Danny said. 'You two love birds can't you please keep things professional on the floor', Michael said as he came in. 'I just wished her good luck, it's her first time, give her a break dude', Danny said. 'Get in your chairs please, we are about to start the show, this is not live, but that doesn't mean you can do everything you want, no swearing Will', Michael pointed out. 'I would keep myself in control', Will mocked.

I giggled when Will was pointed out by Michael. 'Good luck too all of you', Michael said. He walked away. 'Still an asshole', Danny whispered. I laughed. We were with our backs turned too the stage and our face in the direction of the audience. A girl was waving at me and I waved back. 'Here we go', Tom said. I was between Tom and Danny. Will had his thumbs up to me and I did it back. We heard footsteps on stage and someone was holding on to her or his breath and then it started.

It was a girl. She sang beautiful. But I waited. She sang my song! All About You! The coaches were looking at me smiling at me. Saying that I should turn. With a beautiful high note I turned, but I noticed that Danny turned too. The war is on baby. Boyfriend... that doesn't matter.

'Hello luv, what's your name', Danny said. I looked at Dan like he was crazy. Did he just called her 'luv'. I couldn't help it but feel a little jealous. A few seconds ago I just said that he could flirt all he wanted and that I would do the same and nothing of it meant a thing, but now it's all real it did hit me for a stupid reason.

'My name is Melody Briggs, I am 16', she said. '16, no way', I said before Danny could say anything. 'How is your education going?', I asked. 'Good, I am at a singing school actually', she said. 'Oooh that's cool, so you sang my song, is there a reason why you did that', I said smiling. 'Well when I first saw you on The Voice, I already hoped you would stay the whole race, I've been a fan from you since then', Melody said. 'Tom', Holly said quickly. 'I thought it was great, a bit pitchy, but I think that both Kay and Danny could really help you there', Tom said. 'Will?', Holly asked. 'Amazing, I don't know why I didn't turned, I think the same reason as Tom, maybe a bit pitchy at the end, but I think those two can help you there, it's up to you girl', Will said.

'Melody you have to make a choice', Holly said. 'Oooh well I'm so blessed you turned around too Danny, I am a big fan of The Script as well, but I'm going for Kay', Melody said.

I hugged her. 'Thanks for your faith in me girl, I won't let you down', I said. 'I won't let you down', Melody said hugging me.

'Good one', Danny said. 'I know right', I said with a smile while she walked away. 'She was hot wasn't she Danny', Will said with a smile too Danny. 'I didn't noticed really', Danny said. He winked at me. 'I only have eye for one girl', Danny said. The audience let out a big 'aaaaaw'. I had tears in my eyes when he said that. 'Babe, it's the truth okay, I love ya', Danny said. 'Love ya too Danny boy', I said with a smile. I wiped away the tears pretty quickly. I saw from the corner in my eyes Michael looking at us, he wasn't even mad. That is a first. I think the viewers from The Voice just went up or something.

I pressed my a few times, I got 3 on Team Kay already. 'You did great today babe', Danny said. 'Are you kidding, I was a wreck, I totally lost it when you were flirting with that girl, I feel so bad about that', I said. 'Baby girl, it's your first time, give yourself a break hun, come on, let's go to bed, tomorrow is another day', Danny said. 'You are not mad at me?', I asked. 'No, why should I babe, I get jealous all the time, when you talked to that guy that is on your team for example', Danny said. 'Ha, oh we are so full of shit half the time', I said laughing. 'We are', Danny said with a smile. He kissed me before we both fell asleep.

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