Chapter 34

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As you may have noticed this fic has become less of a vent fic and more of a fic with an actual plot. I have strayed away from what I was intending to write about. I you felt like the self harm plot has kind of trailed off, that's because it has as I've gotten "better". But I realize that a good story can't just have whole plot lines trail off into thin air, so I will address that. But if you haven't noticed and I'm the only one who thought anything of it then great! happy reading!

"Holy crap," I said, though it was an understatement.

"Yeah, I know."

"But, how do we 'follow Sylphie,' if we have no idea where she is, or how to find her?" I asked.

"I don't know on that one. If my mom really was trying to leave me clues, she could have been a little less vague," Kate sighed.

"Well think, is there anyone you remember seeing with your mom that you didn't know?"

"Hmm, now that you mention it there was someone, but it was only a few times. I don't remember much of the encounters, just that they happened."

"I think I can help with that," I said smirking as ice danced across my fingertips.

"I didn't even think of that. Your new power could come in handy for this," Kate realized, relieved that we might actually have a lead.

A strange, far-fetched thought popped into my head at that moment. Even if it was unlikely to be true, I still felt the need to share it. "What if..." I paused to think about how I wanted to word it. "What if your mom somehow knew I'd have this power someday, and that's why she made your clue so vague?"

To her credit, Kate didn't immediately call me insane or stupid. She looked like she was genuinely considering the possibility. "You know, I would say that's not likely, but she knew a lot before we knew anything at all. Maybe she even knew the wind spirit," Kate theorized.

"Only one way to find out I guess," I said as I prepared to make Kate's ice memory.

"No wait," Kate stopped me. "We should do this with the other guardians."

Kate had a point. It would be a waste of time if only her and I saw the memory, and then had to explain everything. Time was something we didn't have much of nowadays.

"And another thing, I don't know if this will work, but I think you should try making the memory from my mother's perspective."

* * * *

"North we have something to show you," I said as Kate and I barged into his office without warning.

North, startled, flung his tray of cookies halfway across the room. With one cookie still hanging out of his mouth, he grumbled, "this had better be an emergency."

"It is," I stated.

"I'll retrieve bunny and tooth, Jack you get sandman, Kate get Pitch. We'll meet in the globe room," North said with a sudden seriousness as he sensed our intensity.

15 minutes later we had all regrouped and everyone was looking to Kate and I with curious eyes.

"First, you should all see this," Kate said as she passed around her mother's letter. She then explained what she and I had found hidden in the text.

"Sylphie was her name? Are you sure?" Tooth questioned while nervously rubbing her arms with her palms.

Tooth had never stricken me as the nervous type. It was unusual to see her worked up over anything other than my 'pearly whites.' Perhaps the Spirit Eater is affecting more than just me now.

"Yes, why?" Kate confirmed.

"B-because centuries ago I was waiting to collect teeth with my fairies, when I overheard the same story being told to different children about a wind fairy called a sylph. I heard it a few times before I stopped collecting teeth myself. I didn't connect the dots before, but that could have been the wind spirit..." Tooth trailed off as if she'd gotten self conscious.

Tooth was definitely not acting like herself, and I could think of only one reason why. "Pitch, put the true sight spell on everyone here," I said suddenly.

"What? Why?" Bunny asked.

Tooth began to look like someone had just punched one of her fairies.

"No time, just do it!" I yelled desperately. I couldn't let that monster do the same thing to my friends as he did to me.

Pitch seemed to get the idea, because he reached Tooth at record speed and completed the true sight spell before she could run away from him. Sandy jumped with surprise at the action and started producing rapid sand pictures that I didn't have time to interpret.

Tooth, who was previously floating, slowly let herself drift down to her knees on the ground. After a moment of stunned silence from everyone, Tooth began to cry.

"Oh Tooth," North began to try and comfort her but she put her hand up to stop him.

"No I'm okay, just- just relieved none of it was real."

I knew all too well how she felt. "You have to do the spell to everyone, including yourself," I instructed Pitch. "We can't let him get to us."

Pitch nodded as he put his own hands up to his head and repeated the spell. Once everyone in the room was protected, I said "the Spirit Eater is getting bolder. I don't like what that means for us. We should wrap this up quickly Kate."

"Right." Kate said in acknowledgement. "Jack and I had some suspicions that my mother might have known the wind spirit, and with Tooth's added evidence, I think we have our answer. Sylphie is probably the wind spirit. However, that doesn't tell us where to find her. That's why Jack is going to try making one of my mother's memories ."

"Will that even work? He never knew her right?" Bunny asked.

"No, he didn't, but we also don't know the limitations of this new power so it won't hurt to try," Kate said. "Jack, try making every memory my mom had with Sylphie."

I nodded and put my staff out to focus my magic in front of me. Before I got the chance to try, the window burst open in a gust of wind. Everyone except for me was blown until their feet started sliding and they were pushed toward the door. It lasted only a few seconds, as I could sense the Wind Spirit didn't intend to hurt them. She was trying to send us a message. 

After everyone had seemingly recovered from the sudden blast of air, I turned to face them. "I-I think Sylphie only wants me to see it for now."

"What? But it's about my mom, Jack I need to know," Kate came up to me and pleaded.

I took her hands. "I know Kate, I think there's something your mom probably wouldn't want you to see in those memories. That's why she wants me to watch them first." My heart broke as I wiped a tear from her cheek. I put my forehead  to hers and whispered, "I will show you the memories that I think are important, I promise. But Sylphie is right, there's probably stuff your mom would want to protect you from. There's a good chance that-" I cut myself off, not wanting to finish the sentence. Kate was shaking as I pulled her into a hug.

"I know Jack," Kate said with her face in my chest. "Just... find out what that bastard had to do with my mom's disappearance, okay?"

"I will."

With that, the others left the room and it was just me and the presence of the Wind Spirit. I took a deep breath to steady myself before raising my staff again. And then, I watched as Kate's past fell apart.

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