Chapter 40- Final Chapter

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A/N: You may have noticed that I changed the human name of the Spirit Eater to Ezra. This was due to one of my readers being triggered by the previous name he had and I wanted them to still be able to enjoy the story. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy this wild ride of a finale.

When my ice barriers came down, a barrage of dark attacks flew straight for the wind spirit. He must have realized how valuable she is as well then. I reacted as fast as I could to throw an ice shield in front of her, but one of the globs of hot darkness got past. My heart dropped to my feet as it looked like Sara would be hit, but at the last second, she blew the attack away from her. I was thankful she hadn't been injured, but blocking one attack had her out of breath. Kate and I would need to protect her as well as weaken the Spirit Eater, so she would have her strength for the final attack.

I threw a thick ice barrier around the wind spirit while Kate beamed her light down at the Spirit Eater. He was fast, but the more he was hit, the slower he was to evade the next attack. The weaker my old friend got, the stronger I felt, and I couldn't bring myself to spend more than a moment considering the irony of it all; not when he'd ruined the lives of so many children. That said, he was still throwing attacks at all three of us at the same speed, and when I was no longer able to keep evading attacks and guarding Sara at the same time, I shouted, "switch!"

Kate immediately withdrew, and with the split second of freedom it allowed him, Ezra launched himself at the barrier protecting the wind spirit. Kate was there in an instant, though, throwing a barrier of light around my barrier of ice. The Spirit Eater pulled up just short of it and a hissing sound came at his dripping form. He screeched and backed away from the white light, rounding his next attack on Kate. He formed dozens of inky dark goblins that seemed to move on their own. The creatures began sacrificing themselves on the light barrier to dim it little by little, as he prepared to attack her so she couldn't defend her barrier.

"Forgetting someone?" I said as I released an explosion of ice. It hit The Spirit Eater where his chest would have been if he were still human. My attack was reciprocated with shards of darkness flying at me. I dropped to the ground and rolled, avoiding all of them, but when I stood back up the Spirit Eater was gone. I whirled around too late as Ezra singed through the flesh on my shoulders with his hands, and pinned me to the ground. "Ah!" I shouted at the unrelenting pain. My body reflexively began making ice where his hot darkness burned me, but it wasn't enough.

"Jack!" I heard Kate shout. I looked over to see her desperate eyes as she was busy defending the barriers around her mom. She wouldn't be able to save us both, I was on my own. I entered this battle completely prepared to sacrifice my life to save everyone, but the only way to defeat the Spirit Eater was if all three of us survived. Shit, shit, shit, we're running out of time and I can't think with this much pain. 

"You won't be a martyr this time Jack, I'll make sure of it," Ezra snarled, spitting hot darkness onto my face. Blisters boiled up where it burned my cold skin and I could feel myself starting to lose consciousness. My body was attempting to grace me with the gift of sleep from an overload of pain, but I willed my eyes to stay open. With every ounce of strength I had left, I grabbed his boiling hot wrists, and shot enough ice into them to loosen his grip. I pried him off of me and launched him back with an ice attack. My skin was charred away and I could feel the darkness spreading. I wouldn't have much time left if I didn't do something about it soon.

I stumbled nearer to Kate, hoping for strength in numbers. When she saw the state I was in, she stopped fighting the goblins and beamed her light on me. It not only began reversing the affects of the shadows that had seeped into me, but also served as a shield from Ezra's attacks. Before she could finish curing me though, the Spirit Eater's creatures had broken down the light Barrier. The light beam on me vanished as she worked to throw another one up a few inches closer to mine than the last one. 

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