Chapter 15

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By the time I had gathered myself again, the sun had begun to set.

"Great, I wasted a whole day feeling like a flaming trash can," I sniffled.

"That's quite the specific interpretation of things," Pitch said humorously. "Are you any better now?"

"Yeah, now I'm like an ordinary trash can."

"At least it's an improvement."

We both laughed at his statement. I had noticed myself warming up to the former bogeyman. We were almost...friends.

"Well, I had better go see what North wants before it gets too late, I've kept him waiting long enough."

I made my way quickly towards North's office. If I was planning to meet with Greg again tonight, I needed to be quick.

As I knocked on his door, I heard a commotion coming from the other side of the door. I got too curious to stand outside and wait, so I opened the large door and peeked around it.

Turns out someone gave the elves candy again, those pointy idiots were off their rockers. One incessantly blowing into a horn, another trying to steal a plate of cookies North held above his head, and a third clinging to his leg for dear life as the big man stumbled about the room.

The sight was too hilarious not to laugh at, and so I did, I burst out laughing. North and the elves froze and turned toward me.

"Oh, Jack, hello. Have a seat," North said as ripped the elves off of him and shooed them into the hall.

When I caught my breath I asked, "You wanted to see me?"

"Ah yes, that," the big guardian exclaimed as he eased himself into the chair at his desk. He folded his hands and rested his elbows on the oak surface, then he just stared at me. I was getting very uneasy.

When the silence got nearly unbearable, North spoke. "How are you, Jack?"

"Me? I-I'm fine, how are you?"

"I would be fantastic if those pointy heads would stop stealing my cookies," North scowled. "But nevermind that, back to you," he blurted out, smiling again. "You haven't been being yourself."

"What? Yes, I-"

"Is it because Pitch is here now?"

"No, I actually-"

"Come on, boy, talk to me. I'm a good listener." He sat forward in his chair as if to urge me to talk.

North is good at plenty of things, but listening was not one of them.

"It's not Pitch," I blurted out as fast as I could for fear of being cut off again. "I-I had gaps left in my memory, but it's taken care of now."

North looked me up and down for a minute before deciding I had given a sufficient answer. "Good, I will need you at full strength now more than ever. There's something coming, I feel it in my belly" He grabbed his round stomach and shook it for dramatic affect.

"It's probably just indigestion from all those cookies you eat," I laughed as I stood.

"Laugh all you want, the belly hasn't been wrong yet."

I rolled my eyes jokingly and turned to leave.

"Jack," North stopped me right as I was about to open the door.

"Yeah?" I asked turning back around to face him.

"Tell me if you ever aren't fine, okay? It can be disastrous for a guardian if they stray too far from themselves."

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