Chapter 23

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Shadow lake, it's a place I've gone many times since my death. It's seen many things in the years I've known it, but never a battle. Despite this, as I step out of the portal, and onto the lake's surrounding grass, it knows. In the moments before the Spirit Eater show's itself, the water wishes me good luck. I can't die here again.

The breeze, an ever comforting presence, finds her way to us. She messes with my hair in a mothering manner and then scampers off to watch over me from a safe distance.

"You guys should find someplace safe to wait while I take care of this."

"We can't just sit here and do nothing Jack," Kate said.

"You won't be doing nothing, you'll be here in case... something happens. You can go get the other guardians or help me escape if shit hits the fan, but I'm not letting you guys risk your lives for a fight that's not yours."

"Jack has a point. If he fails, someone has to alert the other guardians," Pitch agreed.

"Fine, just don't lose or I'll kick your ass," Kate threatened.

"I'll try not to, I promise," I chuckled as I pulled her into a bittersweet hug. As I pulled away I turned to Pitch and said, "Look out for them for me."

With a stern nod, the materialization of a spell book, and smirk, Pitch said, "I'll do my best."

"Since when do you do magic, Pitch?" I questioned.

"I have a lot of free time on my hands. Apparently it's taboo to befriend the former nightmare king."

"Well, I hope that changes after today because, you're alright by me. Thank you."

"Anytime. Now go kick some evil ass Frost."

With their words of encouragement to send me off, I started toward the lake. Once my friends were safely tucked away in their hiding spot, I called out to the Spirit Eater. "Show yourself! I'm ready to face you."

"Are you sure?" Asked a demonic voice from behind me.

I whirled around, and found myself face to face with a hideous gnarled face made up of an inky black liquid. So this is your true form. "Before I hand you your ass, tell me something. Why are you doing this?"

The dripping mess of darkness let out a sound akin to a cackle. "Misery loves company." With his answer, he formed hundreds of blobs of darkness and threw them my way.

I rolled out of the way before any of them could hit me and made an ice wall with my staff to shield myself from the next wave. They were slowly cracking my ice though, and the last one made it through. It brushed past my arm and sliced open my hoodie. Where the black blob had grazed my skin, burned like I had spent the last hour bathing in hell. I threw up a thicker ice wall and cradled my arm. It was practically useless now. My other hand switched between fixing my shield of ice, and cooling my injured arm.

What the hell is this stuff? As I take a closer look at where it touched me, it was now completely black. Its like it seeped into my skin.

As more of those dark blobs put cracks in my ice, the demon throwing them began taunting me. "You know why I chose you Jack? Because you're the weakest. Your mind was so easy to poison, and it was so much fun to instill that fear in you at your little believer's school. You should have seen the look on your face when you thought I was Pitch. Your pain is positively delicious."

So it was the Spirit Eater that day at Jamie's school. The bastard was the reason I cut for the first time.

'Jack, this is Pitch. Don't listen to him, he's trying to throw you off. The real reason he chose you is because you're the only one who can stand alone against him. If he takes you out, the others would have an 80% chance of failure. The power he possesses is called shadow manipulation. It's extremely hot as you probably already know. He's vulnerable to light attacks, but cold will also weaken him,' said Pitch's voice in my mind.

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