Heart a chance

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CH 61: Heart A Chance

CH 61: Heart A Chance

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Alessio's POV

Every time I see someone in love or with their partner, I seem to think that I may not be able to love anyone or not have any partner with the hat I would be involved romantically, yeah, I know I just turned 18 I should wait a few years more but when I see Adina and Amir both have boyfriends, I sometimes get jealous or feel a little third wheel.

I know I shouldn't feel that way, but I can't sometimes help it, it just came naturally to me, and I have never felt jealous of both of them, ever. So being jealous so suddenly wasn't something I was accepting happily I have been more cranky than usual, I have been taking my frustration on torturing disgraceful humans.

I don't know what to do with myself at this point, like should I stay away from them or should I confront them, I seriously don't know what to do because this is the first time this is happening to me. I think both Adina and Amir also noticed that I have been a little distant so they have been trying to include me in their activities or trying to cheer me up discretely but I know everything about them so I know what they were trying to do and I appreciate the effort they were putting in me.

I am blessed to have triplets like them because I don't think I would be here at this place in my life without them. Without any one of them, my life would be incomplete and I love the fact that we can tell when someone needs cheering up and help without saying. I want to tell them about my sudden jealousy problem but I don't know how to tell them that I have been feeling insecure.

Like I am supposed to be the eldest brother so I am supposed to be the rock of our little family. But I don't know how to tell them that this rock was being crushed, I didn't want to disappoint them and I know they would never feel that way about me but I have insecurities though I may seem perfect, tough guy in reality I am far from that, I am scared of my self because I have seen jealousy destroy families, and I don't want that. I don't want to turn into a jealous driven person who destroys his family, who destroys his brother and sister's life. So yes I'm scared, and I know that.

I seriously thought that going to the dinner with Adina and Amir to meet his boyfriend would turn my jealousy more but it surprisingly didn't because of the girl I met just before entering the hall with them, her name was Eliza Zoey Rossi, I don't know what about her but just thinking about her makes me want to forget about these stupid thoughts, I guess I felt a connection because I saw the pain in her eyes which I wanted to take away, I suddenly was feeling overwhelmed with all these emotions that I didn't know what to do about it.

I have never felt these emotions in my life so feeling them so suddenly for the first time in my life for a fucking stranger was pretty strange for me what the fuck was happening.

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