Meet the New Gang

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A calm, cool breeze blew through the air on a quiet night in the town of Coolsville. The sun just set over the horizon, which brought forth the end to another day for the denizens of the town. At the local malt shot, in the midst of the town, many customers were leaving the establishment and returning home for the evening. Eventually, the parking lot of the malt shop was completely empty and dead silent.

That is... until a certain crystal portal opened up in the middle of the parking lot and from out of said portal was a group of colorful ponies and a teenage dragon.

The Mane Six, Spike, and Storm stepped out from the portal and onto the concrete parking lot as the crystal aura slowly closed behind them. As they've done on many adventures prior, they took a moment to look around their new surroundings. Clearly, they were once again in the human world. However, there was clearly something weird about this world.

"Okay... where the hay are we now?" Rainbow asked.

"I have no idea," Twilight responded. "It's the human world for sure, but it looks so... oh, what's the right word...?"

"Animated?" Pinkie suggested.

"Yeah... let's go with that," Twilight nodded.

"Regardless, that gives us no further clue as to exactly 'where' we are," Rarity pointed out.

"Well one thing's for sure," Spike smiled. "I hope I get to have my human form back. Love having the massive guns."

Spike flexed his arms and showed off the muscles that his teenage dragon form possessed. Everyone chuckled over the dragon boy's cheekiness.

"Oh Spike, don't ever change," Storm chuckled.

"Don't plan to," Spike grinned.

"Alright y'all seriously, we have tah figure out where the Sam Hill we are," Applejack reminded everyone.

"Maybe someone at that diner may be able to tell us," Fluttershy suggested, pointing at the malt shop.

"Good idea Flutters!" Rainbow praised. "C'mon guys!"

The group made their way towards the malt shop when suddenly the front door to the establishment opened. Before their very eyes, a group of familiar people emerged. The first guy had blonde hair and wore a white shirt with blue jeans. The girl beside him had red hair and wore a purple dress with matching pumps. The second girl had dark brown hair in a bob style, wore glasses, an orange sweater, red skirt and matching shoes. The second guy was a tall lanky gent with dirty blonde hair, wore a green t-shirt and brown pants. Then there was an unmistakable Great Dane with a collar that was initialed 'S.D.' walking alongside them. The Equestrians stopped in their tracks and gasped in shock when they realized 'exactly' who this group was.

"Is that... Mystery Inc.?" Fluttershy asked in shock.

"That's unmistakably them," Rarity nodded.

"Pretty hard to mistake that group of kids and Great Dane for anyone else," Rainbow added.

"Ooh... come on every pony! Let's go say hi!" Pinkie said excitedly.

The group raced toward the young mystery solvers, who halted in their walking when they saw a strange group rushing in front of them.

"SCOOBY! Guys!" Twilight exclaimed joyfully. "What are you doing here?"

The Mystery Inc. gang spoke no words. They just looked at the group of ponies and the teenage dragon in complete confusion. The first one to speak up was Shaggy.

"Whoa Man!" He said surprised. "Like, talking horses? That's wild!"

"Reah! Rild!" Scooby Doo agreed.

This caused the Equestrian group to look confused. What was Shaggy talking about? If they didn't know any better, he acted as though they've never even met.

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