Training Day

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After the events transpired in the WWE Arena, the entire group (Minus one) made their way back to the training grounds feeling rather nervous and concerned. Things certainly became more complicated since their initial arrival in this world. Shaggy and Scooby have been booked a match with Kane, the Mane Six must fight the Ministry, and Storm Shield must go through Kane just for a shot at the Undertaker. True, the identities of the Mane Six and their friends have been kept under wraps by everyone in the WWE. But needless to say, they were in for a whole heap of trouble and keeping their secrets was the least of their concerns.

"Like, Velma, are you crazy?!" Shaggy yelped.

"Reah, re can't right Kane!" Scooby frowned.

"And now we've got to fight this evil Ministry just so they don't take over this place," Rainbow added. "I mean I've got no problem fighting some pony in hoof-to-hoof combat, but this is [i]actual[/i] wrestling!"

"We don't even know the first thing about wrestling in this world," Twilight spoke up.

"Yeah, the only pony in our world who knows a thing of wrestling is Cheerilee's sister!" Pinkie replied. "And she's [i]too[/i] expensive to book for this story!"

"That may be true girls, but that hasn't stopped you all before," Storm spoke encouragingly. "Besides, [i]I'm[/i] the one with the huge challenge in front of me. I have to fight that freakish Fiend and somehow survive his arsenal. And even if I do, there's the all-powerful Lord of Darkness I have to prepare for."

"And poor Fluttershy is in their clutches as we speak," Rarity pointed out. "I can't bare to imagine what those horrid ruffians will do to such a sweet mare."

"Pull yourselves together," Velma told them all. "I need you guys to buy us some time if we're gonna solve this mystery, and clear Scooby's name."

"I don't know, Velma," Fred told Velma. "We only have a few days before Shaggy and Scooby get slaughtered."

"[i]Thanks[/i] Fred," Shaggy said sarcastically.

"Great show of confidence, Jones!" Rainbow shook her head.

"Just being honest," Fred shrugged.

"They're gonna need a lot longer than a few days to learn how to compete in the ring," Cookie crossed his arms.

"It worked out for our counterparts in another story," Pinkie smiled.

Everyone faced Pinkie with a great deal of confusion etched on their faces.

"Pinkie, what the hay are you talking about?" Rainbow asked.

"You know... we met Roman Reigns, got signed with NXT, and Rainbow fell in love with some guy named Jason," Pinkie explained.

"I did [i]what[/i] now?"

Pinkie thought for a moment before she finally shook her head.

"Never mind, wrong universe," She squealed. "Anyways, back to the training!"

Everyone stared at Pinkie for a few moments, as though trying to understand what the crazy party pony was referring to. Ultimately, they just brushed it off and moved on.

"Anyway Cookie, can't 'you' train Shaggy and Scooby for their match with Kane?" Spike asked Cookie.

"Ah... maybe I could train 'em enough so they might survive," Cookie shrugged.

"Thanks, Cookie!" Twilight thanked.

"For a few minutes..." Cookie muttered. "A.J.! You wanna help me here?"

"Sure, Cookie/Sure thing, Cookie!"

Applejack's eyes widened with confusion, until she turned to her side. The rest of the gang looked over and saw none other than A.J. Lee skipping toward them already dressed in her wrestling attire. The spunky brunette smiled at Shaggy and Scooby with a wave.

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