Bear Cave and Multiverse

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If someone were to say things couldn't get any worse for both Mystery Inc. and the Equestrians, they'd have laughed in their face seeing as how things only ever seemed to get worse. Literally every day now, some new evil entered the fray with a desire to destroy them. First it was just a ghost bear, then it quickly morphed into something more with the addition of the Undertaker and his new Ministry. Now suddenly, Malakai Black entered the picture just as it seemed they have an ally. One thing they knew for absolute certainty was if they couldn't come up with a solution, they'd not be able to stop this dark force at all.

This went through their heads while tending to Spike, who earlier was on the receiving end of the Ministry's attack. Mystery Inc. asked them if they wanted to help find clues of the ghost bear, but they decided instead to stay behind and help Spike. So while Mystery Inc. went off earlier that night, the Equestrians were applying some fresh bandages around Spike's head.

"Dang feels like my jaw is two inches to the left," He groaned, massaging his jaw.

"That was a pretty powerful kick to the face little buddy," Storm commented. "You're lucky. Most wouldn't get back up after that."

"And all because I lost my focus," Spike responded. "Actually thought I was getting help from that guy. Boy, was I ever wrong... [i]again[/i]."

"It's not your fault, Spike," Twilight assured. "If anyone's at fault here, it's me."

"Wut do ya mean Twi?" Applejack asked.

"It was under [i]my[/i] watch that Fluttershy got taken by the Ministry in the first place!" Twilight responded. "I wasn't able to protect her, or Spike, or anyone else! It's Sunset Shimmer all over again; some princess I turned out to be. Here I am preaching friendship and harmony, yet I can't seem to protect my friends or even bring that harmony."

"Aww come on Twi, you can't honestly blame yourself for everything going on," Rainbow spoke up. "You didn't ask for any of this."

"But it's my duty as princess, and a friend, to prevent this from happening!"

"You cannot expect to handle 'everything' by yourself darling," Rarity told her. "The whole point of being the Guardians of Harmony is so we can handle all of this 'together'."

"She's absolutely right," Storm agreed. "I swear on my mother's good name we'll get Fluttershy back, save this world, and all the others from utter destruction."

"You know something I don't understand?" Pinkie questioned. "How did Mr. Enigma even got this chapter out seeing as he's under the control of Count Olaf and Dr. Orwell?"

Everyone faced Pinkie Pie with utter confusion.

"What the hay you talking about Pinkie?" Rainbow asked.

"Oopsie, sorry about that!" Pinkie apologized, smiling. "Author issues, nothing to worry about right now."

Every pony merely rolled their eyes and shrugged as they always do whenever Pinkie Pie starts talking nonsense.

"But seriously, wut in tarnation are we supposed tah do now?" Applejack asked.


The entire group turned quickly to the side, spotting a very strange man making his way towards them. The man in question happened to be a member of one of the greatest WWE tag teams in history, perhaps one of the greatest characters in wrestling period: [i]'Broken' Matt Hardy[/i].

 The man in question happened to be a member of one of the greatest WWE tag teams in history, perhaps one of the greatest characters in wrestling period: [i]'Broken' Matt Hardy[/i]

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