Wrestlemania Night 1

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The very next day, the sun shined down upon the WWE arena. The Equestrian heroes, Mystery Inc., and John Cena walked through the corridors with Ms. Richards. As they walked, they explained everything to the lady executive of all they found at Bear Cave. Of course Storm Shield, Spike, and the girls intentionally left out the parts where they ventured through the multiverse and battles against dark forces alongside WWE legends in the plains of damnation. It already wasn't believable to them, and only they experienced the multiverse themselves. They were certain nobody else would believe it and they decided to keep that to themselves.

"So you see Richards," Cena explained, mid-walk. "That's how the Ghost bear gets in and out of places so quickly."

"And we have reason to believe that whoever is behind these bear attacks has planted an EMP device somewhere in the stadium."

"He could shut down the entire show right in the middle of WrestleMania," Velma finished.

"You see Ms. Richards?" Twilight pointed out. "This proves Shaggy and Scooby are completely innocent. From what they've said, it seems whoever is behind this has been planning this for quite some time, while Shaggy and Scooby only just got here a few days ago."

"And were you able to find 'any' solid evidence that the dog and his friend didn't steal the championship belt, of which we have tangible footage?" Richard shot back.

"Not exactly, but..."

"Then as far as I'm concerned, their WrestleMania match tomorrow is still underway."

Both Shaggy and Scooby gulped loudly, starting to quiver with fear over the very prospect of having to face Kane.

"I don't know Richards," Reuben butted in. "We shouldn't take any risks; we'll have to cancel the show."

"You [i]can't[/i] cancel WrestleMania!" Richards retorted. "That'd be like cancelling Christmas, not to mention my career! Besides, what could anybody gain by shutting off the lights?"

"Not just the lights, but the T.V. cameras as well," Daphne pointed out. "There'd be no show."

"People would panic in the pitch black," Velma pointed out. "They'd get hurt."

It was during this moment Sin Cara 'flipped' into the conversation and began striking a few poses.

"Does this guy really have to flip around so much?" Rainbow deadpanned. "I mean I know I can be a showoff myself, but seriously."

[i]Even if this movie 'did' give Sin Cara any 'lines', it would all be in 'Spanish' or something.[/i]

[i]You 'really' need to do more research on these guys.[/i]

"Don't worry about that right now Dash," Cena spoke up. "Besides, Sin Cara's right. It would tarnish the entire reputation of WWE."

"Look, I'll have my men guard the stadium's generators 24/7," Richards told them. "They'll check 'every' square inch of the building right before the show. No one's going to get away with anything under my watch. One way or the other... WrestleMania goes on."

That being said, Richards walked away to sort everything into the place leaving the rest of the group behind.

"If the object of the EMP is to create chaos, you know the Ghost Bear won't be far away when it happens," Velma pointed out.

"Or Discord for that matter," Storm muttered, under his breath.

"Well, I think it's pretty obvious what we need to do now," Fred said.

"Run away?" Scooby asked fearfully.

"Scooby Doo, must you always think that's the answer to 'everything'?" Rarity pointed out.

Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo Wrestlemania MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now