The Mane Event

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The second night of WrestleMania continue after an already action-packed night. The Equestrian Heroes prevailed in their ongoing battle against the Undertaker and his New Ministry. Additionally, they finally rescued Fluttershy and released the 'true' Undertaker from his urn imprisonment, ergo burying the 'false' pretender under six feet of dirt. However, the night was far from over and the main event was still to come.

Unable to prove their innocence to the WWE executives, Shaggy and Scooby Doo had to go and compete against Kane. Which is why the two sat backstage, wearing red and yellow spandex respectively. To say they looked more than nervous about what's coming their way in a few short moments was a 'major' understatement. The rest of Mystery Inc. were currently setting up the trap for the Ghost Bear, which left Shaggy and Scooby backstage with Cookie.

"Like, do you think maybe the gang's solved the mystery yet?" Shaggy asked hopefully. "Because there's no mysteries to where we're going."

"Reah! To the rospital!" Scooby replied nervously.

"No, the morgue!" Shaggy whimpered.

"Come on guys, you gotta have confidence!" Cookie encouraged, his hands on his hips. "You have to get out there and give it your all! If you don't hold back, you battle with your heart and soul, if you give everything you got, then you'll not only survive this... you could win!"

Though the pep talk was inspiring, it was quickly dashed when the Big Red Monster himself walked behind Cookie. He stared intently toward Shaggy and Scooby, who froze upon seeing him. All it took for Kane was 'one' death stare, as vile and vicious as the Devil's, along with one gesture of a throat-slit motion. Shaggy and Scooby both screamed in fear, as Kane walked off into the darkness with Cookie watching him go.

"Nice knowing ya!" Cookie told them, walking away.

Shaggy and Scooby sat there, shaking and whimpering in fear, which felt like an eternity. It was then the Mane Six, Spike, Storm, and Reuben approached them. Storm had to walk with crutches following some brutal beatdowns he received in the past twenty hours. Yet somehow, he still managed to get around just fine.

"Hey uh... break a leg, you guys," Reuben spoke nervously.

"If we're rucky..." Scooby whimpered.

"You guys ready?" Twilight asked them.

"To go home?" Shaggy quaked in fear. "More then ever, but not to die!"

"Come on guys, you can do it!" Storm spoke confidently. "Look at us: We've been out there the last two nights, with little-to-n-training. And [i]somehow[/i] we defeated probably one of our biggest threats to date!"

"But you guys have liked faced even [i]worse[/i] in the past," Shaggy replied.

"That may be true Shaggy darling," Rarity replied. "But we had little-to-no idea on how to handle it than you two."

"If it makes y'all feel better, the gang wants us out there with y'all tonight," Applejack informed. "Jus' in case that there Ghost Bear done show up!"

"We'll be by your side every step of the way dudes!" Rainbow nodded.

"I guess that makes it a little better," Shaggy whimpered.

"Roy ry ruch..." Scooby shook.

"Alrighty guys, let's get on out there!" Storm spoke determined.

Soon, the Equestrians accompanied Shaggy and Scooby through the backstage area towards the arena entrance. To say Shaggy and Scooby were scared beyond belief had to be perhaps the [i]biggest[/i] understatement of all time.


Out in the arena, the crowd was electrified more than they've been all throughout WrestleMania's two nights thus far. The matches making up these nights have already been so amazing, there was no doubt this would be the 'greatest' WrestleMania of all time. Now it was time for the main event to close out the event and hopefully bring an end to this wild mystery once and for all.

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