The New Ministry

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Following a rather sleepless and rather strange night, the Mane Six, Spike, Storm, and Mystery Inc. found themselves at WWE Headquarters the very next day. Having done battle with the Ghost Bear the night before, needless to say management should know. Storm, Spike, and the girls were also very scary after that nightmare the previous night and could not for the life of them figure out what it meant. For the moment, they decided to keep it to themselves until they could determine how to handle it.

Right now, they had other things on their minds as they all stood in the office of WWE executive, Ms. Richards. Right now she was looking through a file, and the group could tell by the look on her face that she was 'not' happy. By the time she was done, she slammed the file shut.

"[i]Assault... battery... property damage... ghost bear?![/i]" Richard read, glaring. "What the heck is going on? And what are you kids doing in WWE City anyway?"

"We won a contest!" Scooby and Shaggy responded.

"Did she forget about the contest?" Twilight whispered to John Cena.

"She shouldn't have," John Cena replied. "She sent out the memo."

Richards looked toward Cookie in confusion, the man merely shrugged.

"Don't look at me Richards," He replied. "You're the one who sent out the memo, 'The Victory Dance Challenge'."

"Oh right..." The woman groaned. "That wasn't [i]my[/i] idea. Boys in marketing or video game design, one of those. Who can keep anything straight with all these bear attacks?"

"There have been [i]others[/i]?" Velma asked concerned.

"Indeed, [i]several[/i]," Richards replied.

One click from the remote and all the screens showcased several key locations all over the city.

"Many of them inside our buildings. The creature trashed the kitchen, and totally obliterated our video game studio, and as quickly as it appears, it disappears."

"Oh my!" Fluttershy squeaked in fear.

"I'm telling you, it's the ghost!" Cookie told the visitors. "The evil from beyond the grave..."

The door creaked open, which made Scooby leap into Shaggy's arms and Fluttershy ducking behind her friends as they faced the open door terrified again. That instantly dropped soon as they saw Vince McMahon himself stroll into the room.

"Now let's all remain calm here," He told the others. "We don't wanna cause too much ruckus."

"Mr. McMahon!" Rainbow, Shaggy, and Scooby beamed.

Scooby, Shaggy, and Rainbow at this point were gushing like total fan girls.

"In the flesh!" Shaggy cried giddily. "I can't believe I'm face-to-face with Vinny Mac!"

"The Boss!" Scooby continued.

"The Higher Power!"

"The Mac Attack!"

"The Mac Daddy!"

"Daddy Mac!"

Vince looked at them both with clear confusion written on his face. It didn't last very long before Rainbow got in his face with a whole bunch of questions.

"Oh my gosh Mr. McMahon, it's nice to finally meet you!" Rainbow said, shaking his head wildly. "I must ask: What was it like feuding with Stone Cold Steve Austin? Did it hurt when he hit you in the head with that bedpan? What about when he filled your car with cement?"

Vince quickly pulled his hand back and Rainbow slowly backed up till she stood next to Shaggy and Scooby.

"Yes well... thank you for that trip down memory lane," Vince said awkwardly.

Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo Wrestlemania MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now