An Epic Reward

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It had now been a day since the Equestrians landed in the 'animated' Coolsville, where they met the new Mystery Inc. gang. It still amazed the group they met the gang all over again in a completely different fashion. It honestly was a little too much to take in all at once, but fortunately, the gang seemed to accept them once more and that's all that mattered. After their 're-meeting', the group went back to Shaggy and Scooby's humble abode in Coolsville, where they would be staying while in the new world. The group had a fun night: Laughing, eating, and playing wrestling games from sunset to sunrise... literally.

For this was the very position they currently found themselves in, as Shaggy and Scooby were playing the video game on the 'hardest' level possible. Shaggy was playing as his favorite wrestler, John Cena, and Scooby was playing 'his' favorite wrestler, Sin Cara. Shaggy and Scooby were massive fans of the World Wrestling Entertainment... or 'WWE' for short. These two goofballs practically idolized all the superstars who performed for the company (Even the superstars who 'never' get a push)

While Shaggy and Scooby played their video game, Rainbow Dash and Storm Shield were playing against one another in Shaggy's WWE 2K14 video game. Storm had chosen to play as WWE Hall of Famer and 'Real American', Hulk Hogan. Rainbow Dash had chosen the 'Best There Is', the 'Best There Was', and the 'Best Hall of Famer There Ever Will Be', Bret Hart. The two were locked in a glorious battle of controllers as they fought it out on the silver screen. Rainbow was punching those buttons furiously, while Storm was cool as a cucumber staring blankly toward the screen without even looking where his hooves were tapping the buttons.

"Hey Storm, you better give up now!" Rainbow said confidently. "I'm this close to winning!"

"I wouldn't be so sure of yourself, Rainbow Crash," Storm smirked.

"Oh... it is ON!"

Over to the side, the rest of the Equestrian group cheered for their two friends as the game went on.

"Kick his flank Rainbow!" Pinkie cheered.

"Come on sugar cube!" Applejack coached. "Ya can't let 'im beat ya!"

"You've got this Storm!" Spike encouraged.

"Yay... games!" Fluttershy whisper cheered.

The only ones who didn't seem to be enjoying it as much was Rarity.

"I cannot understand how you all can enjoy such barbarism!" Rarity spoke, disgusted. "Wrestling is just so uncouth!"

"It's called having fun Rarity," Rainbow replied, focused. "You should really try it sometime."

"Rainbow does have a bit of a point Rarity," Twilight nodded. "Besides, it's not like we haven't engaged in our own battles with powerful villains in the past."

Rarity merely crossed her hooves and gave off a little huff. Storm and Rainbow, meanwhile, continued their own epic battle while Shaggy and Scooby played their own WWE game.

"Look out!" Shaggy said, mid-play. "John Cena is the doctor of thunder-nomics!"

Onscreen, the John Cena character tackled Sin Cara to the ground before picking him up to hit his signature 'Attitude Adjustment' maneuver. The screen zoomed in on Cena performing his famous 'You Can't See Me Taunt' which Shaggy mimicked perfectly.

"You can't see me!" Shaggy said. "You can't see me at all. Like, no one can touch John Cena!"

"Rin Cara can!" Scooby replied.

Shaggy turned around and saw Scooby Doo standing on the back of the couch wearing a Sin Cara mask. He took a huge leap into the air.

"Scooby Dooby-Doo!" He chanted, as he flew.

Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo Wrestlemania MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now