Wrestlemania Night 2

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The next night, following WrestleMania's first epic night,, there was now more on the line than ever before. For tonight, this was the night the Mane Six, or in this case 'five', were supposed to take on the New Ministry in a 12 person tag team match. Meanwhile, Storm Shield was scheduled to fight the Undertaker in a Buried Alive match... provided of course, he was in tip-top form to compete at all.

Currently, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the girls sat backstage tending to Spike and Storm. They did the best they could to ease the two boys of the soreness coursing through their bodies from the night before. Of course, that was easier said than done. Rarity even tried to carefully clean the mist off Spike's face, his cheeks red from crying due to the stinging pain when the vapor hit directly into his eyes. It was a miracle that it didn't blind him.

"Feels like a raging bull ran over me," Storm groaned in pain.

"No kidding," Spike nodded grimacing. "Haven't been this sore since the time I got caught between Iron Will and Bulk Biceps during their arm wrestling match... ended up turning into a real fight. Who's got two thumbs and got sucked right in the middle? This guy... ow..."

"I'm so sorry you guys," Twilight apologized. "We meant to come down and help. But we just couldn't."

"I'm going to regret asking, but..." Storm spoke curiously. "Why not?"

"It wasn't pretty, let me tell ya," Rainbow responded, shivering slightly. "But we'll never forget it—"


[i]The Night Before...[/i]

[i]Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her friends sat backstage watching as WrestleMania progressed. They watched as Spike and his team took the fight to the Ministry, and the whole time they cheered for him. The more that Twilight watched, her not-so-little dragon assistant handling things on his own, the prouder she became. For so long, all she ever saw of him was that same little baby dragon that hatched from his shell, sucking his tail during his first moments of life. Now, she saw a grown dragon warrior, even a 'human' warrior, fighting for his life and she was immensely overjoyed over how far her little Spike had come.\[/i]

[i]"Come on Spike!" Twilight cheered. "You can do it!"[/i]

[i]"Kick their butts little dude!" Rainbow yelled at the screen.[/i]

[i]"He's truly remarkable, isn't he?" Rarity asked.[/i]

[i]"Y'all can certainly say that again sugar-cube," Applejack nodded. "That there's one hay of a brave dragon."[/i]

[i]"Yeah he is!" Pinkie agreed, pulling popcorn from her hair. "Any pony want any? Nice and buttery!"[/i]

[i]"Um... no thanks Pinkie," Twilight shook her head. "I'm good."[/i]

[i]The girls kept watch as Spike and his team fought in their match, anticipating for them to pull off the win. All of a sudden, their excitement dropped the moment the match turned in favor of the Ministry. Their joy turned to horror the moment they saw Spike misted in the eyes, courtesy of Malakai Black, and it was then Twilight was the first to jump up.[/i]

[i]"We need to go down there and help Spike!" She said urgently.[/i]

[i]"What are we waiting for?" Rainbow asked. "Let's go!"[/i]

[i]The girls quickly raced out the locker room, making their way down the halls toward the stage. Just as the rounded the corner, approaching the stage, they suddenly heard a loud cry calling out for them.[/i]

[i]"GIRLS! HELP!"[/i]

[i]The girls stopped in their tracks, snapping their heads toward the direction the screaming came from. What really made them stop was the fact it was very familiar.[/i]

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