Welcome to WWE City

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The Mane Six, Spike, and Mystery Inc. were all settled in the mystery machine as they made their way to WWE City. It was there that patrons could get their daily dose of WWE wrestling at any time (At least according to the official WWE website). While most of Mystery Inc. were excited, especially Scooby and Shaggy, they were still understandably confused over the fact they have a bunch of ponies and a dragon for passengers. So during their drive along the road, they decided to strike up some conversation over how they all met before in a parallel universe.

"So like you met us before in some other universe when we broke up?" Shaggy asked, confused.

"Yes Shaggy," Twilight replied. "I know it's as confusing for you but trust me when I say we're telling the truth."

Fred Jones, meanwhile, looked toward the rear view mirror to catch a glimpse of the mysterious ponies all the while trying to understand this.

"But if we met you guys before, wouldn't we remember that day?" Fred asked.

"Not necessarily Fred," Velma spoke up. "I've done a little more research on anything from this Parallel Timeline theory, and if I've learned anything then it's possible."

"I still have no idea what that even is," Rainbow Dash replied, shaking her head.

"The theory goes that every single choice we've made caused an opposite timeline," Twilight explained, standing up. "According to the Parallel Timeline theory, sometimes similar actions lead to different events."

"They can exist with other timelines so long as they don't collide with each other," Velma concluded.

"Oh great... double eggheads all over!" Rainbow groaned, rolling her eyes.

Needless to say, Velma and Twilight both frowned over that remark. While they drove along, Shaggy and Scooby were playing silly food games to pass the time. Shaggy grabbed a Scooby Snack from its box and prepared to toss it.

"Here comes the flying hurricanrana off the top rope!" He announced.

Tossing the little snack into the air, Scooby Doo performed a jumping twirl and caught the snack in his mouth before chomping it down.

"And it's countered by Scooby's patented corkscrew counter crunch!" Shaggy cheered.

Every pony and Spike all clapped at the impressive display while Daphne just sat up from huffing in disapproval.

"Um, exactly how many more play-by-play Scooby Snack attacks will we have to endure before WWE City?" She asked irritably.

"Like, we brought 'everything' we had," Shaggy answered. "Scooby and I need to keep our energy up so we can cheer like crazy at the main event."

"Trust me, if you think [i]this[/i] is all they truly had then you'd be sorely mistaken," Storm commented.

"There's so many boxes I can't even see the luggage," Velma said amazed.

"Luggage?" Shaggy asked, confused.

"You didn't bring the luggage?!" Daphne and Velma exclaimed surprised.

"How could you two forget to bring the luggage?!" Rarity asked loudly.

"Of all the food-induced insane things you two have done, this 'really' takes the cake!" Daphne spoke angrily.

"Mm... cake," Shaggy and Scooby hummed hungrily.

Pinkie Pie reached into her mane and pulled out a big double chocolate fudge cake, which she proceeded to hand to the two hungry sleuths.

"Here you go!" She smiled.

"I mean it!!" Daphne yelled.

"Uh, beg yer pardon Daphne, but we don't normally wear clothes," Applejack pointed out.

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