A Fiendish Attack

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Later that evening, following a sold out 'slamtastic' show at the WWE Arena, Mystery inc. and the Equestrians were on their way to the WWE Training Camp on the outskirts of town. They all currently found themselves buckled to their seats in Sin Cara's rather roomy and very awesome convertible that rolled through the streets of WWE City. Everyone looked at the many different sights as they passed by, and Cookie smiled from the front passenger seat.

"So, how do you all like Sin Cara's convertible?" He asked them.

"It's awesome!" Rainbow smiled. "I should ask him later where he got it because I'm in the market for a totally rad ride myself!"

"Like it's a real muscle machine!" Shaggy cheered in delight.

"Eh, it's pretty cool and all," Storm shrugged. "But I've got this wicked speeder that can go from 0 to 150 in the blink of an eye."

"A speeder that you just sold?" Rainbow reminded.

"... [i]Yes[/i]."

Soon enough, the car pulled up to a giant gate with the WWE logo suspended over it. The two big gate doors slid open allowing the group entry. Sin Cara drove forward through the gates, providing everyone a look at the WWE Training Center. Two large buildings stood at the front of the facility, with three large training rings off to the back, and dozens of cabins lined the walls of the rocky cliff side.

"Here we are guys," Cookie told everyone. "WWE's Rock Yard, where the pros train for greatness."

As they passed the two large buildings, everyone looked inside to see a large number of great athletes training in the gyms. Many of them were either lifting weights, running, or practicing their moves in the training rings.

"Wow, this facility is rather impressive!" Twilight admired. "I should really speak with Celestia and Luna about creating something like this for future guard training."

"The Wonderbolts would get suck a kick out of this place," Rainbow added.

"Not to mention a ton of dragons would dig this as well," Spike nodded.

"Eh, far too dirty and sweaty for my taste," Rarity cringed in disgust.

"But y'all were just havin' a ball with the rest ah us at that there wrestlin' show," Applejack countered.

Rarity huffed again and pouted in her seat as the car drove up alongside a group of trainees running behind WWE Hall of Famer, Sgt. Slaughter.

"Rook!" Scooby pointed to the legendary wrestler.

"It's Sergeant Slaughter!" Shaggy gushed.

"Awesome!" Rainbow smiled.

"I thought you'd like it here," John Cena smiled over Rainbow's excitement.

"And there's Jerry 'the King' Lawler!" Shaggy pointed out.

"Rand Jimmy Hart!" Scooby pointed to another Hall of Famer.

"Boy, you guys really know your wrestling stuff," Pinkie smiled. "Just as I know every single flavor of cake frosting. There's vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, blueberry, butterscotch..."

"I think we get the point Pinkie," Storm interrupted.

Shaggy and Scooby soon forgot all about the wrestlers the moment they saw the 24/7 All You Can Eat Grill.

"Here at camp, we even have our own 24/7 restaurant," Cookie informed, with a smile. "It's like home."

"More like paradise!" Shaggy chuckled.

"With Shaggy and Scooby, the 'All You Can Eat' is paradise," Fluttershy giggled.

Everyone looked toward the side to the giant face of the rocky cliffs with a large picture of the WWE championship carved into the mountainside.

Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo Wrestlemania MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now