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One day, there was a 13-year-old boy who dreamt of outrunning sound itself on foot, and his name was Dave. Dave Danvers. He lived in a nice house with his friend, Luay.

Dave's story starts around the time of his 13th birthday. He woke up to his friend, Luay snoring because Luay sleeps as much as a dog, but he decided to go to sleep again.

A few hours later Dave woke up to his alarm on his phone going off, and he looked at it. It was his alarm. He stopped the alarm, and while putting his phone down, he saw that it was his birthday.

He got up and went to the living room not expecting presents to be there because every year since his parents died, Dave never really got any presents.

However, this year was different. There was a small, single present sitting on the sofa. Dave opened it. Inside was just a regular bottle of apple juice.

Dave was disappointed it wasn't something else, but he did like apple juice, so poured himself a glass. Then he sat down in the kitchen to watch videos on the internet.

Five hours pass and Dave finally gets up from the kitchen. He walks back to his room, but on the way he realizes that everything seems off. He looks around and noticed that everything was in slow-motion. That's when he realized he had super speed!

It was about this time that Luay woke up and looked through the doorway to see a streak zoom around the house.

Luay was annoyed by the streak for some reason, so he pulled out a knife and it was on fire.

Meanwhile, Dave runs back into the room and immediately starts to think up a superhero for super speed, but realizes Luay isn't there. He doesn't think too much of it.

About an hour later, Dave has successfully created Lightspeed. Lightspeed's colors are blue, white, and black. His powers are lightning, water, and super speed. His suit is simply a blue t-shirt, black shorts, blue and black sunglasses and some black shoes with white socks.

Dave then spends days creating ultra-friction proof shoes, and super-ultra wind resistant sunglasses for his suit.

Once he is finished, he heroically steps outside and says:

"Look out world, Lightspeed is here to stop all evil!"

And takes off running at about 11 thousand miles per hour.

Lightspeed runs around the world visiting famous places such as the Great Wall of China and the Great Pyramid of Giza and back to his home all in about five seconds.

Lightspeed walks up to the front door just as Luay appears and parts of him are on fire, and he says

"It's too late, Lightspeed. You and all of the pesky "good" people will perish in this world!"

"Bro," Lightspeed says "Are you good?"

"I am perfectly fine, "Bro," but you must be mentally deceased if you don't know who I am, I am Syntax, demon-human hybrid, fire god, and destroyer of realms."

"Alright," Lightspeed says. "You do you. Bro."

"ALRIGHT NOW YOU'VE DONE IT" Syntax screams in anger as he charges towards Lightspeed.

Lightspeed simply steps out of the way and Syntax rams through the front door. Syntax tries to hit Lightspeed a few more times, but misses all of his attacks.

Eventually, Syntax gives up and says, "I'll be back Lightspeed" as he disappears in a portal of fire.

Lightspeed walks inside and is about ready to take a nap, when he hears the sound of an angry human-demon hybrid from outside. He rushes outside to see Syntax ready for a round two.

"Are you sure you want to do this again?" Lightspeed says.

"Yes, and this time you're not going to be dodging my attacks."

"Ok." Lightspeed says as Syntax chucks a fireball at him, but then Lightspeed surrounds his arm in lightning and simply punches the fireball back at Syntax, who absorbs it.

Syntax chucks roughly 4,000 fireballs at Lightspeed, and he realizes that he can run away. A little too late. Lightspeed gets hit and is down. Syntax thinks he won until Lightspeed slowly gets up and says, "Oh you think the battles over? Well it's just getting started."

Lightspeed then charges up and goes into his Super form which has lightning randomly spark all around his body and his eyes have little blue trails of lightning. He then charges up his most powerful attack and blasts Syntax right in his weak spot, his heart.

Syntax is knocked unconscious and Lightspeed drags him back into the room it all started in.

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