Breaking Time

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One day, Dave was out for a run, and he ran past something shiny. He stopped and went back to where he saw it. It was buried in the ground and only some of it was peeking out. He didn't know exactly what it was, so he dug it up and saw it was a clear gem.

"Say 'Time Warp, Past' And you will see the past" A mysterious echoey voice said.

"Who's there?" Dave said ready to fight if he needed to.

"Say 'Time Warp, Past' And you will see the past" The mysterious voice said again.

"If I did say it, what should I say it to? The gem?"

"Yes. Raise the gem and say 'Time Warp, Past' and you will see the past"

"Ok, ok, ok fine," Dave said as he raised the gem. "Time Warp, PAST!" Dave said as the gem started to glow and Dave disappeared in a massive glow of white light.

Luay saw the bright white light out of the corner of his eye and went to go see where it came from. He didn't see anything that could've caused it, so he started to walk back to where he was before. But then the white light appeared again, this time right in front of him. The light went away and revealed Dave standing there holding up a gem.

"What happened?" Luay asked Dave.

"I don't know," Dave said. "I just picked up this gem and some weird voice told me to say 'time warp past' and I did, and when I did, I went to the past."

"Really?" Luay said not believing a single thing that came out of Dave's mouth.

"Yeah! I'll prove it to you." Dave said as he reached out and grabbed Luay's arm. Dave then raised up the gem and said "Time Warp, PAST!"

The gem started to glow again, and Luay and Dave both got devoured by the white light. They both closed their eyes cuz they didn't wanna go blind from the bright light.

When they opened their eyes again, they were in the same place they were before, and everything looked the same.

"I told you it-" Luay was about to say.

"Shhhhh!" Dave shushed Luay and pointed down the road and they saw their older selves.

Silver Water and Red Justice (Dave and Luay's older selves) were walking up the road chatting.

"Hide!" Dave told Luay. "If they see us, it'll screw up the timeline and we won't exist anymore!" So they ran over to the backyard tree and climbed up to the top, where SW and RJ (Silver Water and Red Justice) wouldn't see them. SW and RJ walked into the shed and closed the door.

"Wanna go back to our time?" Dave asked quietly

"Sure" Luay said.

Dave then grabbed Luay again and said "TIME WARP" And they disappeared in a bright white light again.

They reappeared in their time, but in the same exact place they were when they warped.

"Well, that was fun." Dave said as he started to climb down the tree.

"Yeah." Luay said.

"Hold on," Dave said once he was on the ground. "I wanna see something real quick." Dave held up the gem again and said "Time Warp, FUTURE!" Dave disappeared in white light again.

A few seconds later, Dave returned with shock on his face. And he fell to the ground.

"Dave!" Luay said as he rushed to see what happened to Dave. "What happened?"

"I... I went to the future and..." Dave started to say. "It... it really wasn't good...Nowhere near good."

"What happened exactly?" Luay asked.

"Flames...Lots of were the worst one there."

"What do you mean?"

"Future you saw me come into that time, and he was about to set me on fire, but then this blue blur tackled him to the ground. Then I found out that blue blur was future me. He saw me and came over to me and asked who I was and I said 'Im past you' and he said 'Oh yeah!' And then...well...future you set future me on fire, and turned future me into ashes. Future you came for me next and thankfully I warped just in time."

Luay sat there and didn't move. "Can I see the gem?"

"Sure, I guess"

Luay took it and said "Time Warp, FUTURE!" And disappeared in white light.

When Luay appeared again. He was all serious this time, tossed the gem back to Dave and mumbled "I don't have time for this anymore. I've got something to do." As he disappeared in a fire portal.

"What was that all about?" Dave asked himself.

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