movie night

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Backstory so you understand the story<3
Y/n and Jaden have been friends sinds middle school and now high school to. He asked you to come by his house to play a game or watch a movie. so Y/N is on her way to his house.

Y/N pov:

I was walking towards Jaden's house because he asked me to come by because he missed me so much. Just joking. Anyways i was walking with my favourite song on " Softcore ". Ones i was at his house i nocked on the door and Jessica (his mother) opens the door. Jessica is the sweetest person ever en the best mom. She asked me how i was and how school was going i answered both with good. She let me in and i took my shoes off and jacket and went upstairs to Jaden's room. I nocked on the door so he know i was coming in. And there he was lying on his bed on his phone watching tiktok.

I walked towards his bed and he stood up to hug me. His put his armes around my waist and hugs me and i hug back putting my arms around his neck. After a brief second i let go and he did to. I sat on his bed and he asked wat i wanted to watch. I always gives him the same answer to that question. Disney he agreed like always picked his computer and we started watching Belle and The beast. We always lays the same my head on his shoulder and his head resting on mine.

But he lays down and tells me to lay my head on his chest. He is not wearing a T-shirt not that i am complaining but still. I tell him that he needs to put on a T-shirt but before i could finish that sentence i put my head on his chest. And god lord that feels nice. Jay what if you mom walks in i said. he doesn't answer he just Put one of his armes around my waist. The other one lifted my chin and he looked in my eyes and i looked in his. And he started leaning in closer and closer and closer and then. his lips touched mine and he started kissing me but before i could kiss back he pulls away.

Y/N i think i like you more that a friend or even a bestfriend even. OMG HE LIKES ME OMG. Jay i like you to i say connecting our lips again. after a short amount of time we pull apart and he just looks at me and say. Y/N would you like to be my girlfriend? he asked looking me dead in the eye. talking about dead i think i am dying. i just look at him and say yes. and we lock our lips again. and started watching the movie again. We fell a sleep
right there and then.

Okey so what do you think? if you have any ideas let me know <3

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Okey so what do you think? if you have any ideas let me know <3

xx lily

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