high school

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Backstory: Y/N was bestfriend with Jayla in school they were always together even they have a smal age difference. Y/N math teacher quit and the class was put with another class. Jaylas little brothers class.

Y/N pov :

As i was waiting for Jayla to drive up i went on my phone. scrolling tiktok edit from Jayla Jaden and Javon and even one of me. it's funny how people can know so much about Javon. i mean i am his sisters bestfriend and yet there are stil edits of me. Anyways Jayla drived up i step in and she was driving to school.

Ones we were on school my friend Zeyn came up to me and told me that Miss Lucand quit. and that we are going to have math with another class. Finally she quit i could not stand her. The smell of coffee and always putting her ass in you face. Me and Zeyn walked toward the towards the nee classroom and walked inside. The man i didn't recognise told us our place to sit. I was put in the back of the class not that i mind. After a few minutes in the less Jaden walked in told him a bad excuses why he was late and went to sit beside me. Sinds when do you sit in my class he asked looking forward. Since my teacher quit and we were put with your class i said looking at him. We talked for a full hour and went our separate ways.

one week later:

Me and Jaden have been talking a lot the past week. We even hang out 2 times and today again. I walked towards his house and nocked on the door. He did open because he was home alone. Dj and jess were with Javon and Dealo to a addition and Jayla was on Wintersport. So we walked to his room and i went to sit on his bed. He went to sit on his char in front of his PS5. wanne play a game he asked only if you wanne lose big boy i said to him. he gives me a controler and we went to play a game. I can't see anything i need a glasses or something i said trying to see the Tv but i can't make anything of it. Come here he answered i walked to wards him expecting an other chair or something but there wasn't. We're do you want me to sit stupid i asked looking annoyed by him because i lost the game. Right here he said looking at his lap. He must be joking. Funny jaden i tell him. He put one of his armes around me and pulled me on his lap. Not that i am complaining i think i am beginne to like him. But i would never admit that to him. I didn't even know that i was moving a bit to much in him and i felt something hard underneath me. It took me a few seconds to decide to stand up and leave him alone or to tease him. Just joking i didn't need a second to decide. I started to move again but this time because he was hard i was just moving over his personal place to the front and back. I think he understand what i was trying to do because he puts his control down grapes a bit of my hair and pulled me to his face. And he whispers in my ear don't start something you can't finish. i Don't know why but it was so hot but i wasn't done teasing yet. Who said i can't finish it i say. He stands up and so did i because i was sitting on him. He stared at me with a weird look in his eyes and started walking towards me. i stept back and he just capt walking until i hit the wal. He was so close to me that our body's were touching and his hand found my neck. he started choking me a bit but not that it hurted. He leans in and so did i until our lips locked. We started making out both his armes found my waist and pulled me on him. he brought us to his bed and put me down. He stood up and walked to pick his phone and asked me if i wanted any pizza. This son of a. how rude is he i give him a death glare and stood up and said i wanted margarita.

 how rude is he i give him a death glare and stood up and said i wanted margarita

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