staying the night with the Waltons

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Backstory: You and Jaden are dating for about a month now, And your going to have your first sleepover together cause your parents are difficult you decided to do it in the Waltons house.


Y/N pov

Today i am going to have a sleep over with Jaden finely. Me and Jaden have been dating for a month now but we've been flirting for a whole year so yeah it's time we're going to have a sleep over. My parents are strict so we've decided to do it in his house. I've know the Waltons for 2 years now cause me and Jaden were first friends for a year. I started to pack everything i needed but i may or may not have accidentally forget a hoodie. I started walking downstairs so my parents can drop me off. "Ready to go hon" my mother asked me. "yeah of course" i reply. We walked to the car and mom started it and drove off. It's was a drive for about 10 minutes to it wasn't that long.

I said bye to my mom and steps out of the car and started walking to the front door. I nocked on it and Jaden opend.

Jaden) Y/n finally i missed you.
Y/n ) missed you to Jade
Jaden) Bye miss L/N

Me and Jaden walked inside and he told me that the whole family was downstairs and that Kylee was there to. I walked to the living room and Jaden brought my things to his room.

Y/n ) Hey guys
Waltontribe+ Kylee) hey y/n
Jessica) how you doing hun?
y/n) good and you?
Jessica) great have you had dinner yet
Y/n) no not yet
Jessica) good cause Jaden told me you liked Pizza the most.
Y/N) omg yes

Jaden walked downstairs and we all walked to the dining room. I sat between Kylee and Jaden.

Kylee) Y/n you me and Jayla are going to have a girls talk after this okey?
Y/n) definitely
Kylee) good

We were done eating so me Jayla and Kylee went upstairs to have a girls talk. But Jaden walked into the room before we started

Jaden) can i have my girlfriend back
Jayla+Kylee) no
Jaden) please she is here for me and you steal here
Jayla) cause she is my wife dumbass
Jaden) please y/n i have missed you
Y/N) jade it won't be long
Jaden) fine but your going to be the rest of the night with me
Y/n ) fine

Jaden walked out of the room dramatically cause it's Jaden.

Jayla) good now that he is away we can talk
Jayla: first of all y/n have you and Jaden done anything
Y/N) beside kissing no cause we're to young
Jayla) good dealo can't be an uncle yet
Kylee) You mean Jaden can't me a dad yet
Jayla) yeah that to second i have been seeing someone
jayla) Okey she is sweet smart and to most beautiful girl i have ever met.
Kylee) she is truly nice i have met her ones
y/n ) omg Jayla i am so happy for you

We all hug and talk a bit more but than Wanna walked in and told us that Dj and Jessica decided it's going to be game night. So me and the girls walked downstairs to see that Dj and Jessica were in the living room and Jaden and Dealo were already on the couch. The rest of us walked there and i sat next to Jaden while he put his arm around me pulling me a bit closer.

Dj) Okey kids we've decided we're going to do a dance battle
Jessica) yes and the one who wines from the other can decided what we're going to do tomorrow.
The kids) YEAHH, I'm going to win this
Dj) Okey first ones Kylee and Jayla going to dance on timber.

Jayla and Kylee danced like there life's depended on it but in the end Jayla won

Jessica) next me and Jaden
Jaden) mom i am going to beat you but i love u
Jessica) honey don't be so full of yourself

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