Live with Jaden

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Backstory: You and Jaden are dating but you guys haven't made it insta official. So your were hanging out like always and that when the story starts<3


Me and Jaden are laying on his bed. He was scrolling on tiktoks and i was watching with him. Me and Jaden have been dating for 5 months now and a lot
of people suspected it but we always say we're just friends. Jaden wants to make it insta official cause he want so show me off, But i say no because i don't think i can handle the hate. As me and Jaden were watching tiktok he started talking.

Jaden) y/n ?
Y/N) Yeah jade ?
Jaden) I want to go live you wanna join
y/n) Yeah sure just don't do anything stupid
Jaden) I would never

Me and Jaden went to a window and out to phone against it and he started a live. Very fast a lot of people started joining.

Waltonfan06: y'all should date.

Jaden) Nah y/n and me are just friend
Y/N) Just friend guys

Javon wife : Y/N who is your favourite walton?

Y/N) Dealo of course who else?
Jaden) Hey what about me
Y/N) don't be so offended jade
Jaden) We've been friends for 6 years and you still chose Dealo
Y/n) yup

Waltonupdates: What's your favourite colour

Jaden) Yellow
Y/N) Probably red

Jadenswife: Y/n fuck jaden marry me

Jaden) Sorry guys she is married to me
Y/n) Wait i am married and no one told me
Jaden) Yeah i married you in your sleep
Y/n) But you and Wanna only broke up a few weeks ago.
Jaden) Hè wasn't loyaal so i married you
Y/n) I wanna divorce
Jaden) You can't divorce me
Y/N) Why not you cheated on me with the wall so i want to divorce.
Jaden) Who told you that it was a secret
Y/n) the wall told me
Jaden) I am sorry y/n take me back
Y/n) okey

Jwalton6: Jaden and y/n >>>

Onwardwanna: My favourite twin and sister in law
^Javonsboxing: captain of the ship

Jaden) Y'all we're not dating
y/n) Yeah i have a boyfriend

It was silent and jaden just looked angry at me. I said it cause i thought they would stop saying that me and Jaden were dating. But Jaden wants people to know that i am his girlfriend. And i just called my self someone else's girlfriend.

Jgang06: Jaden looks pissed
Jayla walton fan: Looks like someone is jelly
Onwardwanna: Painful jade

Jaden) okey guys fun live we need to go bye.

I have never seen Jaden end a live that fast and he was hella pissed.

Jaden) Why in the name of god would you say that
Y/n) I thought it was smart okey but it wasn't
Jaden) No it wasn't now people think your dating someone else y/n
y/n) i just wanted them to stop shipping us
Jaden) Why don't you want to be seen with me
Y/n ) No it isn't that Jade it's that i can't handle the hate
Jaden) I get it y/n, i get hate to
y/n) i know i am sorry
Jaden) you better be

Me and Jaden laughed and we were good again

Shot chapter sorry guys.

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