basseball game

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Backstory so you understand <3
Y/n and Jaden are dating and Jaden has a baseball game. He asked you to go with his family to support him. The story starts in the car to the game.

Y/n pov

Jaden has tonight his first game of the year and he asked me to come and support him with his family. we've been dating for 6 month now and me and his fam is like my second fam.

we were in the car with Jayla. Javon Jaden and Me were in the car together. His parents and little brother were in the other car. Ones we were at the stadion If you can call it that...
Jaden pulled me apart and asked for a good lucks kiss. i can tell he was nervous she i gave him the kiss. we hugged me and went to his team.

Jayla, Javon , Dealo , Jessica , Dj and me went to the tribune and got some snacks to watch the game. I sat in the middle of Jayla and Javon. While we were watching the game Jayla and me were talking about a girl she really liked and Javon was just in his phone on Tiktok.

ones the game was done and Jaden's team had won. we went to the car to wait on Jaden. Jaden came running to us had his parents hugged him first and told him how proud they were of him there like the best parent ever omg.
Than his siblings congrats him and i hugged him and said he did a good job

Again in the car me and Jaden were in the back and Jayla and Javon were in the front. Jaden was tired out and out his head on my shoulder. You know i was thinking about you all game long he told me. why should you not me thinking about the game loser. he put his head off of my shoulder and looked me in the eyes and said no because i played this good because i wanted to impress you. nahw he is the sweetest .
i told him that he doesn't need to impress me and that i am always proud of him. I love you Y/N. i love you to jay. and he put us head on mn shoulder again and i put my head on his and that how we stayed the whole car ride.

Ones we were at The Waltons home again we decided that i stayed the night. Me an Jaden walked toward his room and he took a shower because he was sweaty. i walked to Jayla to ask her for a pyama She gives me a pyama of her and i thanks her and walked back towards Jaden's room. i changed in to the pyama and he got out of the shower. He was tired so he went to sit on his bed. putting both of his arms around me and fell backward pulling me with him. We were laying there and i put my head on his chests and he hugged me like there was no tomorrow. I love you so much Y/N and he was out the moment he said it. i looked at him kissed him on the cheek and also went to sleep. man i love this boy so much.

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