im yours

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Backstory :
Y/N and Jaden are dating but you have got al lot of hate because of it. Girls are always all over him
and trying to get his attention. He is loyal and don't give them that much of attention.

Y/N pov
Ever sinds Ashtrey died in euphoria Javon got a lot of new followers who also found Jaden. Girl started simping for him and edit him. Not even 2 days after that people found out that he had a girlfriend. ME . Girls started to Dm me and say nasty thing to me like

Break up with Jaden or i break all your bones
your ugly i don't know what jaden sees in you
i hope you die and your family with you
you just want fame and use jaden.

after the 1000 dm saying how ugly i was i started to believe it. I got a lot of insecurities now and all the hate doesn't help. Jaden being the best boyfriend he is always tells me how beautiful i look and that i don't need to give that the satisfaction of getting under my skin. But they did get under my skin. I have gotten a lot of trust issues because my dad promised me he would always be there for me and not a week after ge left me and my mom alone without any money. And having a boyfriend all the girls wanted is not making it better.

So here we are again in school walking t toward my classroom as i see Jaden and Mickey stand next to each other and standing a bit to close. They were laughing with each other but noting more. i walked in the class and sat on my normal place and Jaden sat beside me. What wrong he asked met. nothing why i replied. Don't lie to me Y/N i know you he said looking to me and i trying to make no eye contact. Fine why were you talking and laughing with mickey i said and felt immediately as a stupid obssest stalker. We were just talking about school i promis. Okey if you say so i said back.

As the class went on and finally ended me and Jaden wanted to go the the mall so we went to his locker and Mickey was waiting there for him. Hey Jaden she said in the sweetest yet miserable voice ever. Hey mickey what's up he said back without a emotion really. I was just wondering if we could do something you know the two of us she said and looking at me in discussed. No i am going with Y/N my girlfriend you know he said looking proud at me. He puts his arm around my waist and kissed me on the lips in front of her. I told you not to worry about a girl i am yours Y/N. after this i got so many butterflies mickey on the other hand was walking away crying i think. Me and Jaden went to the game hale and played some games and he won me a big teddy bear.

An / short one but cute i think. This is how i think jaden would be in a relationship but i don't know him at all

Jaden Walton imagines ( one shots)Where stories live. Discover now