First day in my new school

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Backstory: Y/n is a 15 year old girl form new York that had to move to Atlanta for her fathers work. She goes to a new school without any of her old friends.

Y/n pov

Today is my first day in Buford high school i would be lying if i said i wasn't scared. I mean imagine being 15 year old and you need to go to a new school. I mis my friend in NYC i do hope i find new ones here. It was now 7am and school starts at 7:30 am so i went downstairs to put my shoes on. I have to drive myself to school because my Mother is at work and my dad needs to sleep. It has been stressful lately so my parents aren't home much but i can't blame them. If they are home we always go do something fun but that doesn't mean i don't mis them.

I was driving to school and i fel sick in my stomach i was so dam nervous. I parked my car and walked inside the school, It was a big school but smaller than my school in NYC not that i was expecting anything else but still. I walk up to the balie that was easy found because there was a big board with balie above of it. She handed me my rooster and told me we're my first period was. I walk up the stairs trying not to make eye contact with anyone. I was almost at the classroom but i bumped in to someone. I look up and it was a beautiful young girl with dark brown hair and brown eyes. "I am sorry" i said fast so she wouldn't get angry or something like that. "it's okey, Your new right" She asked me in a very sweet voice. "Yeah how did you know?". i asked confused you can't smell if someone is new right?. "Only new people have paper with there periods on it" she said with a small laugh. "I am Jayla and you are?."
"i am y/n nice to meet you" i said holding my hand out. She shook it and we talked for a bit. She invited me to sit with her for lunch and i agreed with her. Because that means i don't have to sit in to toilet all by my self.

I walk inside the classroom and because i was talking with Jayla there were only 2 seats left. One in front of the class next to the teacher or in the back next to a boy, The boy it is. I walk to the back of the class and sit down next to the boy he looked at me and smiled. "are you new" He asked. " Yeah i am y/n nice to meet you" i said back. "i am Jaden". The boy who i found out was Jaden and i talked to whole periode until the bel went. I walked outside and Jaden Runned behind me. "y/n wait" he kinda yelled. "Jaden wats wrong" i asked him. "Noting i just wanted to walk with you" he said. "Ow okey i was just walking to my locker" i told him. So me and Jaden walked to my locker and we were talking about school and stuff. I found out he had a older sister, A twin brother and a younger brother. Sounds cute if you asked me, I am a only child so sometimes it's lonely. I finished all my periods and went home. But before i could reach my car there was someone calling my name. "Jaden is there something"i asked the boy who was out of breath. "Yeah my stupid sister left me here and i don't have a ride home can you please bring me" he begged and put on puppy eyes. "Fine let's go" i agreed with him. We walked to my car and i drove because he can't drive.

Ones i reached his house he asked me if i wanted to hang out. It's not like i have anything else to do to i agreed. Me and Jaden walked in the house and it was a big house. He introduced me to his parents Dj and Jessica and there sweet persons. We walked upstairs and i was met with a familiar face. "Jayla?"
"y/n"?. "you two know each other" Jaden asked confused. "Yeah we met in school i didn't know you were friends with my baby brother" she said making fun of Jaden. " I didn't know you were his sister" i said. "It's okey have fun y/n". We walked in his room and he sat on his bed. "Want to play a game" he asked me. "yeah sure" i put his playstation on and we started gaming. It was getting late so i went home. "Bye Jaden" "bye y/n/n". "y/n/n?" i asked confused for the new nickname. "Yeah we're friends so you get a nickname" he said l. I just rolled my eyes at him said bye to the rest of the family and went home.

2 Months later.

It was 2 months ago that i met Jaden and the rest of the Waltons. And to be honest there my bestfriends right now. Me and Jayla are always together in school and tell each other everything. I also met Javon Jaden's twin. He and i are also besties but because he's a lot away we don't talk that much. His little brother Dealo and i play Fortnight together even tho i always lose. And me and Jaden are always together in school outside of school. He's my best friend but i started having feelings for him. Probably because me and Jaden have a very flirty friendship. I was just done with school and i needed to wait until Jaden was done because were going to his house. I saw him walking out his classroom. "hey y/n/n".
"hey jdub". We talked a bit and told each other everything that happend that day and we went in the car.

We stepped out of the car and went inside his house. I said hi to both his parents and Dealo. "y/n can we play Fortnight?" Dealo asked me. "ye-" i couldn't even finish my sentence before someone needed to interrupt. " No Dealo she is staying with me today" Jaden said in a fake angry tone. "But we can share, Mommy said Sharing i caring" the younger Walton said. "I don't share her" The older one said. " I am going to tell mom" Dealo said. Jaden didn't care cause he just walked upstairs pulling me with him.
"Y/n/n just the person i needed" Jayla said as we walked by her. "Nope she is mine today" Jaden lifted me up trowing me over his shoulder and walked away from his sister. He walked in his room and put me down. "Was that really necessary?" i asked him trying to get my hair back to normaal. "Yeah your mine friend and they always try to steal you" he said. "Nahw jalouse you don't get all of mine attention" i said teasing him a bit because why not. "No we all know i can get your attention every time i want" i winked at me and walked to his closest. I lay down on his bed scrolling on tiktok. Jaden lays beside me but i was to busy trying to find my birthday on one of those tiktoks. Jaden of course didn't like it to be ignored so he started acting like a baby. He was rolling around and somehow ended on top of my back because i was laying on my stomach. I still couldn't find my birthday so i just went to the comments to see if anyone else had that problem. And out of nowhere the bitch grapped my phone out of my hands. "Jaden give me back my phone" i said seriously. "No you pay more attention to your phone that me" he said like a fucking baby. "Jaden i am not joking around give it back" i said getting angry. It's not like i have anything to hide but i just can't help it, If someone has my phone i just want it back. "Give me a kiss and you can have it back" He said in a fake sweet voice. " Just give it back Jaden". "You know what you got to do". I don't know if he was serious or not. "Are you joking"   i asked him. "One way to find out ma" he said. ma? sinds when does he call me ma.
He's not joking so he truly wants a kiss and i want my phone back. It's not like it's bad to kiss Jaden i mean ITS JADEN. But stil it's feels weird. I walked to him and kissed him fast like really fast. " come on ma i know you could do better". Omg i can't believe this boy. "i'll show you" he said out of the blow. And he started kissing me like really kissing. What the fuck that all that going trew my mind. He slowly pulled away. "y/n i think i should tell you something". Omg here we go now he's going to say we can't be friend anymore. "i have feelings for you, I know you don't feel the same way but i just wanted you to-". I don't let him finish his sentence cause i kissed him. He kissed back immediately. One of his hand goes around my waist and the other one goes to my ass?. No wait he just put my phone in my pocket. And so his other hand also goes to my waist.

"y/n i want you to be my girlfriend" he said and pulled away. " no i am good" i said joking. "wait wha-" and again i didn't let him finish that sentence cause i kissed him again. This time i pull away. "i'll be your girlfriend Jaden" i said to him. He smiled with his cute dimples and hugged me. He trow me over his schouder and walked to the bed laying me down. We started cuddling and fell a sleep. Dam i love this boy

This is probably the longest chapter i wrote. Did you like it or do you prefer short chapters. Anyways hope you have a good day ily.

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