trust issue

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Backstory: So you and Jaden are dating and you love him a lot. But because his ex cheated on him he got really  bad trust issues.

Y/N pov:

Today is a football game at 8pm and me and some of my friend are going. Jaden on the other hand isn't and it irritates him that hes not. Him and his family are going for dinner with the Brown family. So here i am in my room together with Emily. Were making is ready for the game. Emily went to the bathroom of get something so i checked my phone and saw a lot of texts from Jaden.


When does the game start?



you ignoring me???

were are you.

Fine ignore me then.

y/n answerrr

With who are you???

The game starts at 8
i am stille home
and i am with Emily
just chill jade

have fun tonight❤️
i love you
Its okey i love u 2❤️

Jaden is the sweetest boyfriend to have ever exist the only thing is, He has really bad trust issues cause his ex cheated in him at a football game. So every time i am out without him he gets really bad anxiety. I don't blame him i would be the same but a little bit trust would be nice.

Emily and i are ready for the game so i text Jaden that i am on my way and wont be on my phone tonight. Me and Emily arrived and we found some of our friends. Our friend group exist of. Emily, Scarlett, Kylee, Aven, Mike , Alver and me. Were all really close and Kylee is the reason me and Jaden met in the first place. We all walked to out sit and that's when i saw someone i haven't seen in a long time. Jayciano my ex boyfriend. Me and him dated for 2 years when we broke up cause of losing feelings. May i add HIM losing feelings i didn't. i have now but that took me a long time and many tears. I tell my friend then hes here and then i realise that Jaden isn't going to like it one bit.

I walked to the bathroom so i can call him and explain everything but when i was almost there i bumped into something. Or someone i look up and see Jayciano fuck.

Jayciano = jay

Jay) Hey y/n long time not seen
y/n) not long enough
Jay) you have changed a lot
y/n) you haven't changed at all
jay) why all the hate i thought we were cool
y/n) no were not cool but i have to call my boyfriend
Jay) moved on fast i see
y/n) fuck u jay
Jay) is that a promise or a invited?
y/n) its a sign to go to hell

and i walked away to the bathroom. I walked on and saw that Jaden called me 10 times and sent 20 message.



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I hope you aren't talking to the person i think


the fuck

yeah ignore me yeah

you know fuck u good luck with him

Fuck thats all that i thought. Why would someone take a picture and who took the picture how i am going to fix this. Shit Shit Shit

Part2 will be up tomorrow

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