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A/N: I know i already did one about baseball but this one is different i pinky promise.

Backstory: Y/N and Jaden have been flirting for over 3 months now. They both like each other and y/n is coming to every baseball game he has.


It's Friday today what means that Jaden has a game tonight, I have been going to every single game he had in the past 3 months and i start to like baseball. First i didn't get it i mean you hit a bal and run but it's a lot more then that. So Jayla just texted me that they were in there way to pick me up cause we're always going together. Jaden introduced me to his parents about 2 months ago and there truly amazing people and the best parents. Jaden is very clingy so he always wants to hang out. So i see the family a lot. Me and Jayla met in middle school we were friend with the same groups so we became friends to. I also already met his twin brother Javon. Me and Javon are bestfriends but since he is always away filming we don't see each other that much, I miss him a lot

I've waited for about 7 minutes when i got a text from Jayla saying they were there. I walked outside and stepped into the car. Jessica was driving, Dealo was in the passenger place and Jayla was sitting behind Dealo. Leaving me and Jaden next to each other. As i said before Jaden is very clingy so i rested his head on my schouder. "Nervous?" i asked him. "not really just tired" he said in a sleepy voice. "why couldn't you sleep" i asked an other question. "no i just missed you" he answered again "nahww your going to do great" i said to him and rested my head on his for the rest of the car drive

Ones we were finally there the family and Jaden split up Jaden going to the field and the rest to the tribune. I sit down and seeing jaden walking around makes me so proud of him. He it's the bal and is running and get the last piont making our team the winner. God i am so proud of him.

The Waltons and i walk back to meet Jaden after his big winning. They hug him and tell him that they are proud of him.

Jaden: can i talk to y/n of a second
Walton's's: yeah sure we just wait in the car
Y/n : is there anything wrong jade?
Jaden: no it's just. just

And then he kissed me even tho we have been flirting for 3 months we never kissed. I kiss back and Jaden pulls away.

Jaden: y/n look i really like you and i think i love u and would you like to be my girlfriend.
y/n : of course jade

He kissed me again and pulled away and we walked to the car. Jessica start it and we drive back tot the Waltons house.

Jayla: y/n sleepover ?
y/n : yeah sure
Jaden:  i am in

Jayla and Y/n : no boys

Jaden: bullies

I know it short but i am tired and i needed to give you something<3

Jaden Walton imagines ( one shots)Where stories live. Discover now