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Taehyung was already ten weeks pregnant and he already started having a baby bump. Taehyung couldn't stop rubbing his belly in circles, he was excited to have a baby but extremely nervous as well. Whenever he saw Jeongguk in the hallways he would always get sad that he didn't believe him but it didn't matter to him he didn't really care.
He was walking down the hall and he felt everyone's burning stares at him. He felt uncomfortable, he gave them a small smile only for the people to look away from him, he frowned as he adjusted his backpack.
He went to his locker, making his way and shoving people so he could get passed through them. He opened his locker as a bunch of papers fell out.
He picked one up, and heard people whispering, snickering and giggling, he raised a brow clearly confused, than he realized there was a purple vibrator in his fucking locker.
His face turned red feeling the heat rush to his ears, he picked up the folded papers then he unfolded it, reading it.
'Slut' it said on the paper, he frowned his eyebrows. He picked up another one than an other one all of them calling him how he was such a slut.
'Cum slut'
'You like that big don't you?'
'Come meet me at my place tonight ;)'
'You like daddy's big cock'
'I'll fuck you till you cum baby,'
'How long do you like it?'
'Daddys slut' was written on the last paper alongside a drawing of a penis. Taehyung wrinkled up the paper as he threw it on the ground. He closed the locker door harshly making some people flinch, as they let out their giggles.
Taehyung glared at them all, he looked at Tzuyu who was leaning against the wall, as she snickered as well.
Taehyung was going to walk up to her but then saw Jeongguk walk in going to her. "Fuck you all" Taehyung mumbled as he walked away, he decided to skip his first hour.
Taehyung was in his second hour, he rested his head in his arms, he felt this wave of nauseousness hit him. He ignored it at first trying to hold it in, but then he had the urge to throw up, he raised his hand quickly.
"Teacher!" Taehyung yelled as she turned around giving him a mad look.
"Taehyung don't interrupt me when I'm speaking, you-"
Taehyung had enough of her blabbering, so he got up and ran to the bathroom, she shouted at him but Taehyung just ignored her since he needed to let everything out.
After Taehyung threw everything out he sat on the cold floor curled up in a ball, well trying at least since his belly was sort of in the way.
After a few minutes he got up and went to rinse out his mouth with water, trying to clear out the disgustful taste from his mouth.
He got up leaving the bathroom. He took out his phone from his pocket checking the time, but he didn't notice that he bumped into someone.
Taehyung felt his sweatshirt get soaked, and the person he bumped into started yelling. "Watch were your fucking going!" She yelled it was Tzuyu of course, and Taehyung rolled his eyes, great his sweatshirt was going to have a coffee stain thanks to her.
"You made me ruin Jeongguk's sweatshirt!" Tzuyu yelled, throwing a tantrum and stomping her feet like a child.
"Then watch where you're going," Taehyung mumbled, wiping off the coffee stain with his sleeve.
"Your the one who was walking with your phone!" She yelled annoyingly as he dumped the rest of the coffee in his hair. Taehyung gasped feeling the cold water run down his hair.
She walked away leaving him there as he wiped his face off, he groaned as he smelt like coffee and that his hair was going to be sticky later.
He walked into the classroom only for his teacher to scold him. "Taehyung you do not walk out of the classroom without my permission, you're going to have detention after school for two hours more." She said angrily.
Taehyung stood there nodding his head as the rest of the class laughed at him. "You guys settle down as well, unless you want to join him in detention as well." The class got quiet as they paid attention to the front of the class.