"What happened to you?" Jackson asked sitting in front of Taehyung since it was lunchtime and Taehyung sat alone just scrolling through his phone.
"Jeongguk's girlfriend happened" Taehyung rolled his eyes, just eyeing her as she was clinching to Jeongguk.
"Wanna meet up at my place and have some fun later?"
"I can't I have detention, maybe next time?" Taehyung was glad that he had an excuse so he didn't want Jackson to know about the growing child in his belly.
"Okay but promise me next time," Jackson said, giving him a kiss on his forehead. Taehyung was taken aback from that gesture.
He felt people's stares at him. Making him feel so uncomfortable so he got up and left the cafeteria.
Taehyung sat in the empty classroom as he waited for the teacher to come in, he had his head in his arms as he just wanted to go home and sleep but he couldn't since he got in trouble.
He could've made a run for it and left the school, but he didn't want to get into more trouble with the teacher.
Taehyung heard students walk into the classroom. He looked up and saw these two girls giggling. He rolled his eyes and placed his head in his arms again.
He heard a chip bag being opened and Taehyung looked up wondering what they were doing, he gasped getting up from his seat when he knew they spilled out the bag of chips on the ground, stomping them and making a bigger mess.
"What the hell are you guys doing?" Taehyung yelled as he was getting annoyed.
"Don't worry about it," said one of the girls, throwing the rest of the chips at him. Then they left, leaving him annoyed.
He groaned, throwing the empty chip bag on the ground. The teacher walked in, scolding him. "You're the worst student I ever had,"
"I didn't-"
"Don't even argue with me. I better not see a thing on that carpet." She said as she went to go sit in her chair.
"Yes ma'am" Taehyung mumbled annoyed as he got on the ground and started picking every single crump on the ground.
It was about time the teacher let him leave the school. He was exhausted, he wanted to eat something since he and his unborn baby were starving. He pulled his hood from his sweatshirt since it was raining outside.
He was walking in the cold streets trying not to freeze his ass up, he headed to the nearest convenience store. He walked in and grabbed a cup of Ramen with other sweets. He headed to the cashier and paid for everything.
He left carrying the bag in his hand, he heard a whimper coming from the dark alley. He decided to ignore it, but than it got louder and he stood there grabbing his phone from his pocket shining the flashlight.
It was a little dog. He was shivering from the cold, he was in a box wrapped up with an old blanket. Taehyung got close to the dog and pet him.
Taehyung headed back to the convenience store, grabbing a bag of dog food and a dog collar along with some dog toys.
Taehyung headed back to we're the pomeranian dog was as he opened the dog food and poured some on the ground. He waited for the little dog to finish his food.
"You're so cute," Taehyung said petting the dog, he got up, and the dog started following him. Taehyung chuckled at the small adorable dog.
Taehyung opened the door of his house letting the dog enter his house, who was covered in mud.
Taehyung smiled, he picked up the dog and took him to the bathroom. He turned on the tub, filling it up with warm water. He placed the pomeranian dog in there who was jumping up and down splashing the water creating a huge mess.
Taehyung chuckled as he sat down next to the tub. He rested as his feet were hurting from all the walking. He was tired and wanted to sleep, but he needed to eat something for his baby in his stomach.
He groaned, getting up and boiling his Ramen. He headed back to the bathroom taking out the little dog from the tub and grabbing a towel, drying him up. He grabbed the collar from the bag and put it on the dog.
Taehyung cued, he sighed to himself, "Yeontan, your names going to be Yeontan," Taehyung smiled cuddling Yeontan who snuggled close to him as well.
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