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"Fuck me" Taehyung mumbled annoyed as he sat on his bed. He heard someone knock on the door.

"Come in" he yelled, and the person coming again was Jackson.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung asked with a suitable smile.

"I was wanting to take you out to dinner tonight. Would you like too?"

"Jackson look….I'm not feeling it, okay?"

"Than why? Why got out with other guys at our school and you can't even go out with me?"

"Jackson! Your a fucking asshole I never slept with any of them! And what are you too get mad if we aren't even a thing?" Taehyung asked as he rolled his eyes at him getting up.

"Because I like you!"

"Well I don't, I'm sorry, I just can't right now," Taehyung mumbled as he patted his belly without noticing, but Jackson saw it.

"Are you fucking pregnant?"

"What are you crazy?" Taehyung chuckled as he held himself from rubbing his tummy, one of his habits that grew overtime.

"Are you-"

"Jackson just fucking leave!" Taehyung yelled as pointed towards the door. He placed the glass of water he had on the table. He sighed as he took some painkillers for his aching headache he has.


It's been a couple weeks Taehyung has been visiting Jeongguk at the hospital for a while every single day after school ended and after he finished his shift at the cafe.

Taehyung was currently laying in bed as he stared at the white small box that was in front of him. "Should I really do this?" He asked himself as he was tapping on the box.

You may be wondering why was he so nervous over a box? The truth is, he was going to show Jeongguk the ultrasound pictures, and there was also baby clothes in the box with the pregnancy test he took again, along with a note he wrote.

He just wanted to tell him again, even though he was shitting his pants. He got up as he was getting dressed, putting on an oversized button up shirt he bought thanks to his belly that was getting bigger over the time making his other clothes tight on him.

He took his silk robe off, putting on his gray sweatpants with the white button up shirt. He was fixing his hair, and grabbed the bag of dog food feeding the cute small dog.

"Bye baby I'll see you later," he said to Yeontan who just started eating his food.

He left carrying the box in his hand he kept looking at it every single second. When he arrived he opened the door hoping Tzuyu wasn't there.

"Hi," Taehyung smiled as he waved at him, Jeongguk smiled back as he was getting himself ready, Taehyung slightly blushed at him as he was putting on his black t-shirt showing off some of his tattoos that Taehyung never knew he had.

"Are you getting discharged today?" Taehyung asked, helping Jeongguk, who was struggling thanks to his arm that was still injured.

"Yes, wanna go grab something to eat? I'm starving,"

"Sure! That will be nice," Taehyung smiled as he placed the box on the bed. Adjusting Jeongguk’s arm sling.

After Jeongguk got ready and they left, he started to wonder about the box Taehyung had, "Tae? What's in the box?" Jeongguk asked eyeing Taehyung who freaked out a little.

"Oh nothing it's just some stuff I have to return," Taehyung gave him a nervous smile as they continued to walk.


"Stuff y'know" Taehyung mumbled nervously as he started walking at a fast pace.

"Wait, slow down," Jeongguk chuckled as Taehyung started to walk a little slower now.

'Fuck fuck fuck, please let this be over now!' Taehyung told himself getting nervous each step he took.

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