A couple weeks have passed by and Taehyung and Jeongguk haven't been speaking a lot, as for Taehyung he just avoided Jeongguk not wanting to see him with Tzuyu or he didn't want her to call him slur words.
Taehyung was currently leaning against the counter in the cafe, he hasn't been going to school for what seemed like for ever, but that was alright, all the people there were ignorant.
He let out a sigh as he went to clean up another table, the cafe owner went up to him, "Are you alright? If your not feeling well, you can go home," she said kindly placing her hand on his shoulder.
"Oh no I'm alright, but thank you," he smiled kindly.
"Are you sure. Since I don't want you and your baby to get hurt," she said.
"Don't worry about us we're alright, my baby is doing good he's a strong little man," Taehyung smiled as he rubbed his tummy softy, the owner chuckled as she nodded her head and processed to make the next coffee order.
He started to pick up the dirty dishes and place them on the cart he than started to wipe off everything and the table, he took his time cleaning off the tables as well washing the dirty dishes.
He noticed Mrs. Choi making another cup of coffee for the person so he continued to clean once more, he jumped a little once he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Taehyung? Sorry I didn't mean to startled you," Jeongguk smiled sheepishly.
"What do you want?" Taehyung asked having a serious expression on his face.
"I just wanted to know why you were ignoring me?"
"What are you talking about, I haven't been ignoring you at all," he lied, as he knew to why he was ignoring him.
"I try to talk to you and you just walk off, like the last time I saw you at the baby store, and the grocery store,"
"Jeongguk I'm extremely busy, and I just want to head home after work since it's tiring to work while being pregant." Taehyung told him as he started pushing the cart of dirty dishes.
"Can you just talk to me? I really miss you," he acted and Taehyung stopped.
"What? Why do you even miss me, just go and talk to Tzuyu she's your girlfriend," Taehyung mumbled as he went to the other table.
"We broke up, you were right" Jeongguk chuckled bitterly as Taehyung saw his eyes tear up a little.
"I found out she was just using me for money and well she was just cheating on me with another man, but it's fine," Jeongguk said rubbing his temple as he tried not to cry.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that," Taehyung mumbled as he didn't know what to do he was kinda glad to see Jeongguk like as he didn't believe him that she was just cheating on him.
Taehyung hated to see him be sad so he just went up to him, and wrapped his arms around him hugging him tightly. Jeongguk hugged him back and just placed his head on his exposed neck.
"Well I better get going I'm just glad that your safe and are son to," Jeongguk gave him a small smile and looked at his growing tummy. Oh how he couldn't wait to see their little son running around bare foot.
When Jeongguk was about to leave, Taehyung stopped him. "Wait do you wanna go perhaps to my house and watch a movie?"
"Oh but what about work? Jeongguk asked eyeing the cart filled with dishes.
"I'm not feeling to well, so I might just head home and rest a bit more," Taehyung gave him a tight lipped smile and went behind the counter with the cart and leaving it their to find Mrs. Choi trying to pick up a big bag of flour, so she could make more pastries.
"Here let me help you Mrs. Choi" Taehyung walked to her, but she stopped him.
"No no it's alright honey, your pregnant and I don't want you to harm yourself."
"I won't hurt myself I pro-"
"Hey Taehyung we shou- oh hello"
"Ah is it alright Young man, if you help me bring the bag of flour over there?" She asked kindly.
"Sure," than he grabbed the bag of flour and poured it in the container she wanted it in.
"Thank you so much," she smiled at him.
"Mrs Choi? Is it alright if I leave early I haven't been feeling to well,"
"Yes yes of course! Go get some rest you and your child need it, honey" Mrs. Choi and placing her hand on his temple feeling his throbbing head.
"Young man, take good care of Taehyung and his child he's a kind person," she smiled while talking to Jeongguk, and he just chuckled.
"Thank you Mrs Choi" Taehyung said hugging her before leaving. He walked nexted to Jeongguk who had his hands in his pocket.
When they arrived to Taehyung's house, Taehyung quickly sat down throwing his shoes off. Jeongguk just stood there until Taehyung told him to sit down with him.
After a while of figuring out on what to watch they were they watching Taehyung cuddled up in a blanket while Jeongguk rested his head on Taehyung's tighs, he didn't mind as they always did that even when they were younger.
Taehyung was placing with his soft hair. And Jeongguk was enjoying the movie while eating some popcorn.
Jeongguk broke the awkward silence, "This movie me reminds me so much of Tzuyu," he said sitting up and placing his shoulder on Taehyung's shoulder.
"Do you wanna watch something else?"
"It's okay were almost done watching it anyways," Taehyung just nodded his head placing a hand on his tummy, rubbing it in slow sooth circles.
"Why did she even cheat with me? Was I not perfect for her… was I too much?" Jeongguk asked looking at Taehyung in the eyes.
"Jeongguk…maybe you guys weren't meant to be, I mean she probably did love you but than she just couldn't be with you any more" Taehyung mumbled as he ran his hands on Jeongguk’s hair as he was laying on his lap once more.
"I really still love her,"
"You'll find someone who will truly love you," Taehyung said grabbing the bowl of popcorn.
When the movie was over Taehyung tried to stand up but saw Jeongguk sleeping on his lap. He smiled at him he gave him a kiss on the forehead and grabbed the nearest blanket, throwing it on him.Taehyung headed back to his room and went back to sleep.

skaters love (discontinued)
FanfictionSeeing your best friend dating someone can be the worst feeling for a certain someone. (04-09-22) #5 taekook (04-11-22) #2 jimin (04-20-22) #3 angst