Chapter 16

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Yibo sprang up in his slumber as he felt someone place a delicate kiss on his head and caress his cheek. He unwillingly opened his eyes to see Zhan staring at him.

"Good morning! Did I wake you up?", Zhan said lovingly to him while stroking his hair.

Yibo shook his head in disbelief. It does wake him up, but being awakened up by a handsome man like Zhan doesn't bother him in the least.

"Hmm! Good morning.", Yibo muttered, still sleepy, snuggling closer to Zhan and burying his face on its chest.

Zhan just let the younger to nestle into him and gently stroked its back, lulling Yibo back to sleep. Yibo spent 10 minutes to fully awaken before staring at the older. He glances up and down at Zhan, recognizing that he is fully dressed but not in his suit, implying that he is not heading to his company. This caused his brows to furrow.

"You're fully dressed, are you going somewhere?", Yibo questioned.

"Ah yes... Sorry if I didn't mention it to you yesterday, because you know~", Zhan responded knowingly, then sheepishly grin at Yibo, who quickly became scarlet after recalling his embarrassing action the night before.

"Where?", the younger wonders aloud, was unable comprehend the previous night's events.

"I'm heading to the orphanage today. I haven't been there in half a year.", Zhan confessed.

"Orphanage?", Yibo delves deeper. He's curious why the older would want to go there.

"That's where your ten million yuan went. Remember the Bid for a Cause? I'm sponsoring that orphanage", Zhan mentioned.

"Ohh! Then, may I come?", asked Yibo. He was intrigued about the orphanage Zhan was referring, and he also wanted to spend more time with the other.

"Don't you have any company appointments today?", Zhan knows the younger is busy, and while he wants Yibo to come, the later should not abandon its obligation to his firm.

"I have, but it's not that necessary. I can cancel all of them and reschedule it for the next day.", Yibo reasoned.

"Are you sure?", Zhan asks, still hesitant, ensuring that it won't interfere with any of the younger's activities.

"Yes, Zhanzhan... I'm the boss, they can wait.", Yibo says firmly.

"You truly are something... Fine, you may come.", Zhan laughs, knowing that the latter really wanted to come and it flooded his heart with joy.

Yibo's face brightened up, and he quickly took his phone to the bedside table and called his secretary to cancel all of his appointments for the day, freeing up his schedule. He also reminded his secretary not to bother him for the rest of the day since he wanted to spend time with Zhan. After freeing up his schedule, he grinned at Zhan and exclaimed, "Done!", face full of excitement.

"Now that it's settled... Go freshen up, I'll prepare some new clothes for you, and once you finish, we'll go to the nearest cafe to get some breakfast.", Zhan said, instructed to him.

Yibo nodded and goes towards the bathroom to begin his morning routine. While Zhan searches for clothes for the younger. He pulls out a new white shirt, a black jacket, and a pair of trousers that he hadn't worn, then pulls out a new pair of white shoes from his shoe collection.

Yibo returned from the bathroom after 20 minutes, wearing just a towel wrapped around his waist. Zhan's jaw was wide open as he stared at the younger. He couldn't help but to swallow hard as he saw the water still flowing from its hair to its well-defined abs. Then he realized that if sexiness could be described as a person, it would undoubtedly be Wang Yibo.

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