Chapter 5 - Not the Spleen!

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"Quick, erase his quirk! It must be his sword or something." Toshinori said. His shirt was ripped, and his old side wound was showing, glistening with new blood.

In a second, Aizawa's quirk was activated, but Sabre's sword didn't go away. He turned it around in his hand and struck Toshinori's open wound with the handle.

I glitched forward, half teleporting, half running and grabbed his wrist. "Sabre stop! This isn't your enemy!"

He growled slightly, but stopped struggling, and his sword disappeared seemed to liquify and absorb back into his body. Nezu stepped forward and clapped with his itty bitty paws. "All Might, please go to Recovery Girl and get that wound patched up. Aizawa." The mouse thing said, turning towards him. "Is this the intruder?"

"Two of them, yes, but I haven't seen that boy before."

Nezu looked me up and down, more up though. "Are you sure this man won't do anything?" He asked me.

"Eh, f-fairly. N-no prom-mises though."

"Aizawa, watch him. Restrain him if you have to. Anyway, but to the task at hand. Shinsou, if you would?"

Shinsou nodded his purple-haired head. Then he spoke. "You, girl. What's your name?"

"That depends." I say, smirking at his shocked face. "Oh, whats wrong? Quirk malfunction?"

"I don't know." He looked questioningly at Nezu who shrugged and motioned to continue. "Well then, what does it depend on?"

"Where I am, who I'm talking to... quite a lot of v-variables." I have my human name, my birth name, my vil- hero name, my chosen name, my title and many more! Usually I go by my taken name or my title. Most people, where I come from, take their names from powers or looks. Call me Glitch."

"Ok, so names can change where you are from. Whats your boyfriends name?" Shinsou asked.

"Nightmare." I said simply.

Shinsou narrowed his eyes. "Why is he called that?"

I turned to Nightmare and smiled. "Think of it as a nickname given to him by the protectors of the land back when he was evil. You can call him Goldie though."

"Do not..." He muttered, shaking his head.

"What do you mean when he was evil?" Nezu piped up.

I blinked softly at Nightmare. Looking at Nezu I shook my head and closed my mouth.

"Well, if that will be all, could I have a moment alone with him?" I asked nodding towards Sabre who was stading in the corner, head bowed.

Nezu looked at me for a second, then to Aizawa, and shrugged again. "I don't see why not." 

'Make sure they don't interrupt.'  I told Nightmare. He looked at me as if to argue, then thought better of it, and nodded.

After they had left the room, I heard a soft grunt behind me. I turned to see Sabre standing up, starting to walk towards me. "What were you doing with Nightmare Steve?" His voice was distorted, and I realised what was going on.

I walked up to him and slapped him across the face. As he stepped back in shock I said "Sabre, Shadow Sabre, separate or I will stab you in the spleen." I formed my shadow scythe.

He stood up taller, towering over my in his stupid adult body. "You wouldn't."

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Try me." I swung my scythe around and punctured his flesh. "Hold on... where is the spleen?"

He grunted and stared down at the scythe in shock. Regaining his composure, he said "Yeah, I think you hit it. Good aim... Sis."


Oh no... a double dose of content. Dont be expecting this again any time soon. I was bored and had already written out these two chapters. Hope you guys enjoy it! 

Love yall! <3

- Past Glitch 

Oh no, too many elipses where they needn't be.................... I just love overusing things, dont you? Also, past Glitch was pretty good at naming chapters. <3

-Current Glitch, soon to be Past Glitch again.

637 words

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