Chapter 9 - Traumatizing Kiddos.

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We stepped onto the field, Midoriya and I, and met in the middle. I held out hand for him to shake, which he did, with a decent grip. "Don't go easy on me, will you?" I asked.

He nodded. "You neither."

I just laughed, and we got ready. He seemed somewhat nervous, and I just knew he was going to go easy on me, which frustrated me, but I accepted the fact.

Aizawa counted down monotonously, and we started. Immediately I rose up off the ground, Midoriya staring at me, trying to figure out my quirk.

His body lit up with that crackling green power, and he jumped at me without a second thought, though he was clearly watching my moves. I dodged easily, but he twisted midair and flicked a kick at me. I caught him by the ankle, and threw him into the ground. It cracked beneath him, and he lost his breath and his hold on his power.

I dropped onto him, pinning him against the ground. I let the helmet absorb back into my armour and grinned at him as I punched him in the face, knuckles reinforced with spiked shadows. There was the sickening crack of cartilage and bone, and blood gushed from his nose. I went to punch him again, but let him push me off him. I rolled and stood up. I looked over at the onlookers, giving Izuku a small breather. Some of them were cheering for him, others watching indifferently. Nightmare was smiling at me, the others in my crew watching, interested, though Illusion was watching something past us with clouded eyes. Bakugou was staring at Deku, the only one seeing the blood and his broken nose. He stood rigidly and strained.

I looked back at my opponent as he ran at me incredibly swiftly. He raised his arm, fist clenched, ready to attack. I took it. It didn't even push me back, but it didn't damage his arm either. He looked at me, mildly dumbfounded as I put a hand around his throat and lifted him, squeezing slightly. We both glowed with a dark light as I absorbed his health, and most of his life. He could barely muster the strength to raise his hand to tap at my my gauntlet at his throat, scratching at my armour to get me to let go. I did. Or rather, I threw him forcefully into the ground again.

I put my foot on his neck and sheared my scythe blade clean through his arm, severing it. He couldn't do anything to stop me. He couldn't even cry out for help, or make any noise for that matter. I smirked, listening to the cheering of his classmates. The only one reacting correctly was Bakugou. His mouth was trapped shut, and he was sweating, eyes switching from wide open to narrowed.

I decided they'd seen enough, and I wanted to end it. I flicked my scythe so the tip embedded itself in his severed arm, and I dragged it to where I had cut it from. I knelt beside him and put one hand over the cut, the other at his throat, and we glowed again as I gave him back his life, plus a little extra of mine to heal his shattered nose. He gasped and pushed me off him and he struggled to stand. When he managed to, he watched me warily, but I just walked to the edge of the field, my armour melting into myself again. When I got to the edge of the field, I jumped backwards out of bounds, landing heavily, and activating Deku's quirk from where I was, to make it look like he'd won.

I controlled him for the next few minutes as he helped me up, and I brushed myself off. I kept him looking calm, while I felt his mind boiling with thoughts and fear. I also kept bakugou stuck where he was. The other classmates congratulated him on his win, and some appraised me, while others just said stuff like "good job" or "better luck next time". Negative mocked them slightly behind their backs, making me laugh slightly.

Bakugou stayed stuck and silent, and Midoriya stayed calm, as we moved onto the third battle, Satou and Shouji.

It was fairly boring to me, but Shouji ended up winning.

Then it was Negative's turn.


Ok, hi guys! This one took a bit of time to work on, for not much. I hope I don't seem too evil, I'm not anymore, I think. I just wanted to add a bit of **DRAMA*** so yeah... Anyway, I healed him again, don't hate on me. I love you all!

- Glitch

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