Chapter 10 - Negative Discovers Bones

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  Ashido took her place at her end of the field, doing slight stretches while she waited for the countdown. Negative looked at her, mildly confused, and tried one, surprised to hear bones crack. He liked it, and got distracted for a moment trying to find what else in his new body made this violent new noise.

  He was still cracking his joints as the countdown finished and Ashido came running up to him, sliding along on slick fluid. He looked up just as she reached him. She managed to land a punch on him that sent him back a step, but no further. She seemed perplexed by his lack of reaction, and went to strike him again.

  He glared at her, punching her back with a flame-infused fist, which she was unable to dodge as her fist aimed for him. As the punch landed in the centre of her chest, lightning came from the cloudless sky and struck her. Some how, she was able to not completely die from the force of the punch, the fire and the lightning, but she was knocked unconscious immediately. Negative scoffed and just walked off the field, leaving her there, and like that, ten seconds in, Negative won his match.

  Helper robots entered the scene with a stretcher, and they carried the unconscious and smoking Ashido off the field.

  The class of 1A stared at Negative, before some of the guys started berating him for not holding back. Uraraka stared at him nervously. Jirou nodded thoughtfully, but stood up for him, stating that he won the fight fairly, and no one should be expected to go easy on someone because of their gender. This devolved into a whole debate over whether or not the boys should be expected to pull their punches on people. All of the girls, and some of the guys, agreed that they shouldn't, but some of the other guys, Kaminari and Sero mainly, disagreed, saying that they didn't want to hurt any females. This definitely angered the girls, and even some of my crew stood up for them.

  Positive was the first, saying, "Girls are waaaay stronger than guys."

  Negative looked at him. "No way, you've only met two before now, and they just happen to be more powerful. That pink one I punched was weaker than a sheep."

  Kaminari turned on him. "We never said they were weaker than sheep, none of us here are!"

  "I bet you are, punk." Negative stepped up to meet him. Both of them crackled with electricity.

  "Wanna bet?" Kaminari challenged.

  Negative paused, mildly confused. "Yes, didn't I just say that?"

  Then Kaminari was confused. Then we were all confused. Then Aizawa woke from his nap, and saw that we hadn't continued and sighed heavily.

  "Kaminari, Nathan, you two are up."

  "Which of you noobs are Nathan? Is it you?" He poked Negative in the chest.

  "No, I just had my battle." He was clearly getting agitated at this guys idiocy. His eyes glowed softly, and Nightmare put his hand on Negatives shoulder to calm him.

  "I'm Nathan." He held his hand out to shake Kaminari's. "Lets fight."

  Kaminari shook it, nodding, before going to take his place on the field.

  'Drag it out a little. I want to be entertained.' I smiled at Nightmare.

  He smiled back, understanding, before turning to appraise his opponent. He looked over Kaminaris lightning bolt streak, and remembered how he crackled with electricity when talking to Negative, and realised that he would basically be like fighting a Yellow Steve, and I could feel his nostalgia. I hoped it wouldn't prevent him from fighting well.

  Even before Aizawa had finished counting, Kaminari had his hands up and was shooting a bolt of electricity at Nightmare.


Gonna be an electric battle... or will it? Who do you think will win and why? For any of the battles. Please, I need inspo TvT

Love you all!

~ Glitch!

656 words <3

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