Chapter 14 - Sweet Boy No Hurty.

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  Asui was in a half crouch, waiting for the countdown. Positive did the same as what his twin did, pleasantly surprised at the sounds and the feels. After the countdown, Frog Girl jumped forward, clearing the whole field in three leaps that were short for her. Positive was able to dodge her first fast attack, but she was able to rebound quickly and jump into him, using her shoulder to shove him. He stumbled forward a step or two, but as she made contact, he zapped her lightly, causing her to yelp out softly.

  She became more wary now, circling him, trying to figure out what would be the best way to knock him out with the least amount of contact. He looked over at Negative, who was making punching motions with a smouldering fist. Positive looked down at his hands, and set them alight, before looking at Tsuyu.

  She was bounding towards him again, and she ducked low when he went for a punch and swept his legs out from under him. This time it didn't shock her, but her own leg got burnt upon contact, and she hissed in pain.

  From where he was sitting, the flames in his hands went out, and he held them up in surrender. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I don't want to hurt anyone!"

  Aizawa shook his head slightly, and Tsuyu seemed perplexed.

  Negative seemed disappointed in his twin. "This is a fight, Parker. Hurting people will be inevitable."

  "But I don't want to hurt anyone anymore! I'm free to make my own choices, and I want to do good." He still hadn't stood, instead simply looked over at his opponent. "I yield."

  She looked over at Aizawa, who shrugged, and nodded once, before going over to him and offering her hand. "You and your brother have strong quirks. Fire and electricity?" She asked as she helped him stand. He nodded. "I think you two would make great heroes, but I understand not wanting to live a violent life. I wish you luck with whatever path you choose." She looked over at Negative who was glowering at his brother. "You should support Parker in whatever he chooses to do with his life, whether its what you had planned or not. And I'm sure he will support you too." She glanced at Positive, who nodded sheepishly.

  Then he walked over to stand with Ghost instead of Negative, and took his hand gently. Ghost murmured something to him, and he nodded.

  Ghost glared over at Negative, who glared back, but Ghost held the gaze until Negative looked away. Ghost squeezed Positive's hand gently.

  After a few moments, Negative walked up to Positive and grabbed him by his jaw, forcing his twin to look at him. "Look. We were created as weapons. If we don't fight, what are we? If we don't hurt, what's the point of our existence?" Negative was glaring at him.

  Positive was startled, and a tear slipped out. "... I don't want to fight anymore. Please, Neg, don't make me."

  Negative glared again and tightened his grip on Positive's face. Lightning struck the two of them where they stood, causing Ghost to jump back, and others around them to cower, or move away. When the lightning and the thunder faded, the figure that stood there was taller, stronger, glowing brightly. After a few moments the glow faded. His hair was an even mottle of yellow and red. He had markings trailing over his skin that glowed, merging from red to yellow to red to yellow. His sleeveless tunic was split directly in half, red and yellow, with a band of interlocking white circles surrounding his chest. He opened his eyes. One had a red iris, the other yellow, with no determinable pupil. His skin still glowed, and despite being made up of two 16 year old looking kids, he looked mid to late thirties. He had several scars slashing through the markings, and those ones were dull.

  Beside me, Nightmare grunted softly. "I'd never seen him whole before..." He muttered.

  The new figure looked around, perplexed. Tsuyu was the first to talk. "Who are you? What happened to Parker and Noah?"

  He looked down at her. "I am Infinity."


Ooh, InFiNiTyYyYy... Spoopy. Anyways, I hope someone reads this soon... Sorry for not posting over the weekend, I was busy. I'll be busy next weekend over Easter too, sorry. I do love you all though. Bye <3


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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