Chapter 11 - Zappy Zappy Boom Booms

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  The electricity raced across the field, drawn to Nightmare, who absorbed it without flinching. Kaminari kept shooting off electricity, getting frustrated as nothing he did seemed to faze his opponent. "What's your quirk, huh? Can you absorb lightning or something?"

  Nightmare raised an eyebrow. "That's not lightning. This is lightning." He held his hand out, summoning a bolt of it from the gradually clouding sky a mere metre away from the shocked pikachu, who jumped and fell back. "What's wrong? Can't you absorb electricity too?"

  "Course I can! It just startled me." He sulked. "But fine, we're not going to get far if each other can just abso-" He was cut off by another bolt of lightning, this one hitting him directly. He yelped and jumped. His clothes smouldered, but he seemed mostly fine. 

  "Then fight me." Nightmare said calmly, in that handsome way of his.

  Kaminari glowered, emphasis on the glow. "Ok, fine." He ran up, crackling with electricity.

  Nightmare ran to meet him, and they grappled each other, sparking violently. It was mostly a fist fight, in which Kaminari was clearly inferior, and he kept sparking brightly, trying to blind Nightmare, but from his face it was clear he knew he wasn't cut out for fist fights. Nightmare stayed on top the entire time, and managed to hold Kaminari down long enough for him to short circuit, and there he lay, twitching, slightly bloodied, and definitely bruised. He looked down at Kaminari, confused, before getting off him and picking him up easily, taking him to the edge of the field and dumping him unceremoniously out-of-bounds, to really cement his win. "I thought these children would be stronger than this. Disappointing." He muttered as he dragged the twitching guy to the rest of the group.

  "That was kinda brutal dude." Sero said.

  "Really? But I let him live. I went easy on him. Since neither he nor I could damage the other with electricity, was fists not the next best option?" Nightmare seemed troubled, and looked over at me. I smiled at him reassuringly.

  "What do you mean you let him live? Do you try to kill your opponents?" Sero seemed a little uneasy, as did some of the others.

  "Of course not, not any more. I'm no longer a villain." He said certainly. "None of us are."

  "I would just like to point out that Charlie and I were never villains in the first place, we were just viewed as such because of Eli." Time reminded the group.

  Elemental came over. "Yeah, and I've already apologised for that. Do we need to keep bringing it up? I'm sorry to all of you, let's just shut up about it." He was salty, and he punched his brother in the arm.

  Time laughed at him, "Yes, we know. You just did a lot of damage, and some of that cannot be reversed by simply apologising. Yes, you attempted to fix it, but all you did was fix your last mistake. What about all the others?"

  "Then you reverse it, since you're so great. I did what I could, I tried to atone for my misdeeds, and still you all persecute me. You forgave Nightmare! And the twins! What about Illusion? He's so much worse than I was." His eyes were starting to glow brighter yellow.

  "Yes, but I'm actually helpful. What did you do? You stopped your own bomb from destroying the world? I saved the world from the virus, and I was just doing as I was told. Nathan, and by extension, the twins were all under your control when they did what they did. You have no one to blame but yourself." Illusion stepped into the conversation the same as how he steps into peoples lives, blantantly and leaving no space for excuses.

  "Void was controlling me!" Elemental protested.

  "Nope, no, we don't like him, no way. Don't. Not that name." Galaxy seemed to be bugging out a bit. "He's near. Don't bring him closer, not that name."

  I walked over and put my hand on his bare shoulder. "He's near? In this realm?"

  Galaxy could only shake his head, still bugging out a bit, tears in his eyes. He held his head in his hands.

  "Ok, good talk guys, let's settle this later." I swept my gaze over the group, and Elemental had the intelligence to look a little shameful.

  Some of my group muttered mutinously, but most nodded and they all fell quiet again.

  The kids in the class were watching us, some shocked, some confused. None asked questions, as it wasn't the time to.

  "Koda, Gray, you're up." Aizawa said, ignoring us.

  Ghost didn't want to, but with some gently nudging from Positive, he phased onto the field, more transparent now. Koda also went onto the field.


Hey guys! I'm trying to make a point of posting one chapter of this a day, bar Sundays, and so far I think its going good, but I'd love to hear what you guys have to say. Would you rather I post one a day, or five once a week/something to that extent? Also, if you have any ideas or points about this mess of a story, I'd love to hear them!
I love you all!


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