Chapter 13 - Elemental Goes Bye Bye!

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  "Kirishima and Eli, it's your turn." Aizawa seemed bored, but he was keeping a close eye on us, I could tell.

  Elemental looked over at me as he walked onto the field. He looked like he was still salty about our discussion. I raised my hands and shook them like jazz hands. He got the memo, and growled softly, but quickly gained control over himself with a deep, almost comical, breath.

  "Let's have a good, clean match, ok?" Kirishima grinned and stuck out his hand. Elemental hesitater, but, remembering what Nightmare did, he took it in a grip that was probably a little too firm, and shook it once before letting go. Kirishima's grin faltered a little, but he didnt let it phase him, for which I was happy. I like the guy, and don't want to see him in low spirits.

  Aizawa counted down, but this time, both parties had the integrity to wait for the end before rushing each other.

  As Kirishima parried several harsh punches, he struck up a friendly conversation. "So, what's your quirk?" He asked friendlily. He quickly retaliated with a hard-fisted punch of his own.

  "My quirk? My power?" He continued the pleasant conversation. "I can control the elements that are shown in my arms. Yours is that you become rock?"

  The two of them kept fighting, punching and parrying, though Elemental did not yet use his powers. "Dude, that's a sick quirk! I don't become rock, but I do become incredibly hard." He solidified his leg against a low kick. "What were you all talking about? They were all ganging up on you."

  Elemental almost hesitated, but managed to keep up. "I don't want to talk about it."

  "Come on dude, no one can hear us, you can tell me." He smiled welcomingly.

  "Why would I tell you anything?" Elemental asked coldly. "I do not know you, I do not like you, I do not need to tell you anything. Shut up and fight." He held a hand out and blasted Kirishima with a strong shot of concentrated water, knocking him back, near the boundary line.

  "Geez dude, no need to get so worked up, I just want to get to know you guys, you seem like a fun group!"

  "I don't want to know you. I want to go back to my world!" His eyes changed from yellow to a reddish orange.

  Kirishima faltered at that. "Your world? Is this not? What do you mean your world?" He hardened just in time for a blast of magma to hit him and stick to him, burning him badly. His hardness couldn't stand up to the heat for long though, and he screamed and fell.

  Immediately Aizawa attempted restraining Elemental, but he melted out of the bonds and stepped into the air, showering the whole class with lightning, which Nightmare managed to absorb. Clouds grew and a storm started, fat raindrops waking me out of the conversation I was having in my mind. Elemental kept striding through the air away from the school until we couldn't see him anymore.

  My group turned to face me, then the rest of the class, bar Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, and Todoroki, who was helping cool down Kirishima. I sighed. "Leave him for now. Is Eijiro going to be ok?" I aimed my question at the half-and-half, who nodded slightly. "We should get him to Recovery Girl. Those burns wouldn't be good for him." He had passed out from the pain and was half encased in black, semi-cooled stone. Even more robots came out to take him away.

  I managed to get our thoughts back on track for the remaining matches, and hoped nothing more would come of Elemental running away for a while.

  And so, the next few matches moved on fairly smoothly. Hagakure managed to hide from Sero long enough to push him out of bounds, so she won hers. Then, with Bakugou and Aoyama, Bakugou managed to get Aoyama pinned quickly by breaking his belt, and Aoyama yielded. Bakugou seemed quite distracted during his match, and allowed several cheap shots in before he won, so it went on a little longer than it should have, but either way, he won. Ururaka had drawn the odd number out, and so she said she'd wait until the end to see who she'd want to fight, and kept an eye on my group. Then, it was Asui and Positive's turn.


Ya know, I'm kinda sad that its been over a week, and I dont know if anyone has read this story since i've been back... Well, I'm going to keep posting. I love you all


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